Poll - Combat Level Calculation

Today a new Dragonstone poll has launched: Combat Level Calculation. We’re asking you which combat level formula you’d prefer to be used as a basis for an updated calculation. This poll covers the whole game and is not just for a Legacy Mode.

With the Power to the Players polls and the Combat Improvements Beta, there’s been a lot of community discussion about combat, and a big topic has been the combat level calculation. We’ve even held some unofficial strawpolls on the forums (find them here and here) to get an idea of your feelings on the issue. It’s pretty clear that the current combat level calculation isn't working well enough, and many of you have asked for a poll about it. That’s what is starting today.

The community have been energetically discussing which combat level formula they prefer and also what improvements could be made to it. So we’re going to split the polling into two stages: the first which starts is to establish the basis for the future formula – the old 138 or the current 200. Once that is decided, the second stage will be to establish whether any refinements should be made. The most popular community requests will put up for vote in a subsequent poll.

We’ve decided to keep the initial choice between two known calculations, rather an option to start from scratch with something completely new. There’s already been difficulty changing to the current ‘200’ formula, and making everyone relearn something completely new would not be in the game’s best interest. I also think that any benefits we could get from a completely new formula could be made through refinements to an existing formula.

The poll has started today and will run for two weeks until the 28th February. Log into the game now to cast your vote!

Please join us in sharing your opinions on the combat level calculation and what sort of further tweaks - if any - you'd like to vote on in the following poll. Head on over to the forums to have your say. Any questions? Take a look at our FAQ.

Thanks for reading,

Mod Pips

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