We want you to tell us all about your experience with Fresh Start Worlds! Plus, don't forget to visit Port Sarim for the opening of Frank's Free Chest…
Fresh Start Worlds Survey
We need your feedback!
Last year we introduced Fresh Start Worlds, one of our first forays into offering a limited-time alternative RuneScape experience. It ran as a four month trial and was focused primarily on attracting past players back to RuneScape with a brand new Gielinor to explore from scratch. The event raised some really interesting questions and revealed the benefits and limitations of the format.
Whether you were a former player who came back for Fresh Start Worlds, an active player who joined in the experiment, or even if you didn't find value in the event at all, we'd love to hear about your experiences. As we look to the future, we’ll use your insights to understand which aspects we can build on and which aspects we need to change, should we decide to run another limited-time RuneScape event.
We've put together a quick survey and we’d love it if you could take a moment to share your thoughts. To say thank-you, everyone who completes it has the chance to win a £/$25 Amazon voucher!
Find the survey here: https://rs.game/FSWSurvey
Frank's Free Chest
Tick tock, it's nearly loot 'o' clock...
You’ve got just two days left to earn keys for Frank’s Free Chest before the grand opening on Wednesday!
Once it's open, visit Frank in Port Sarim to turn those keys into rewards.
Claim your goodies any time from February 1st to 28th – after that, Frank will be packing up any unclaimed bounty and scarpering...
Treasure Hunter Calendar
Step inside the Loot Rooms!
Live Now | Ends Feb 1st | Loot Rooms
Pick from a variety of bonus-laden chests, claim your rewards and duplicate each chest in the Loot Room! Eight keys will grant you entry to this special room where you can claim the rewards from your duplicated chests. We’re seeing double, baby.
Feb 2nd | Ends Feb 6th | Rainbow Trail
Earn Rainbow Dust and find the Rainbow title – or a fetching pair of Rainbow Glasses! As the reward track progresses, you might be lucky enough to find a bonus that rewards 250 Rainbow Dust. And what’s this dusty stuff for? Well, it lets you acquire chest multipliers for even more rewards – so it's not to be sneezed at!
Livestream Calendar
Mod Jack Talks Design
Wednesday February 1st | 17:00 Game Time | Mod Jack Design Chats
Lead Designer Mod Jack hops on stream to talk in depth about design decisions driving RuneScape.
Watch the show live on Twitch.
Patch Notes
Fixes and improvements in this week's game update
Death Update
Ring of Death's cooldown is no longer removed during certain boss phase changes.
The Ring of Death's effect now correctly applies to all Instakill mechanics.
- Dev note! "Thanks for feedback on the Ring of Death since the recent update. You've told us that damage mitigation effects combined with healing abilities make the Ring of Death's effect too easy to survive, which trivialises many instakill mechanics..
- Instakills were also confusing, as we had multiple forms with the same visual effects. These are now defined as:
- Full instakill: No signs or RoD allowed - will display the skull with 'Instant Kill' text.
- Soft instakill: Signs and RoD allowed - will display the skull without text.
- High damage: Deals lots of damage but isn't technically an instakill.
- The starting damage value will now be 20% of the killing blow, within the range of 150 to 2000. A soft instakill will automatically start at 2,000, so you can survive the mechanic, but it will still be tough to survive long enough for the kill. The timer will now last until you either die or return to a safe area, allowing higher-level players to survive longer... but not indefinitely.
- Following these changes, the sign will now take priority over the RoD and be the first to activate."
- Returning players stuck in limbo on the roof of Burthorpe Castle should now continue to the Burthorpe transition cutscene.
- Noted Molten Glass can now be used to craft Teleport Spheres in Oldak's Teleportation Laboratory.
- Corrected punctuation on the message that displays after buying multiple Treasure Hunter keys with Oddments.
- The Aura interface no longer shows Auras you don't own in the list of favourites.
- Implemented an animation fix for the Portable Workbench. They should no longer float after expiring!
The latest goings-on from our community
Community Showcase

@RheyoRS gets hold of the coveted Fractured Staff of Armadyl!
@InitYeah highlights the free items you need to get your hands on!
@TripleDylanRS continues their Master of Clues series by opening 200 Hard and 200 Elite chests!
Scaper's Screenshots

Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:
- Hosted by: M e r c y and Helpscape
- Date/Time: Wednesday February 1st, 12:00 Game Time
- World: 35
- Location: The Heart of Gielinor - Sliske Lobby
- FC: Helpscape
Mazcab Learner Raids
- Hosted by: ario and Raid FC
- Date/Time: Saturday February 4th, 18:00 Game Time
- World: 71
- Location: Mazcab Raid Entrance
- FC:Raid FC
Town Square Q&A
- Hosted by: Princess Rae
- Date/Time: Saturday February 4th, 23:00 Game Time
- World: 3
- Location: Varrock West Bank
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!