The sands are stirring, so it's time we get back to the desert and find out what lies Beneath Scabaras' Sands...
Return to the Desert: Beneath Scabaras' Sands
New Quest Launches Today!
Even after stopping Amascut’s evil plan to corrupt the sacred Gate of Elidinis, there is still much work to be done. Her devourers are still roaming the desert, stealing the souls of the living. It is time to return to the harsh Kharidian desert as you delve Beneath Scabaras' Sands to search for the god that does not want to be found... before the Devourer can sink her claws into him!
This quest is the first of three that will be wrapping up the Desert Storyline, culminating in a showdown with Amascut herself later this year! These quests have a long history and quite a few prerequisites of their own, so check out our recent quest prep blog if you need some help getting on track!
Patch Notes
Fixes and Improvements in this Week's Game Update
110 Woodcutting & Fletching
- Updated the level requirements for the divine Woodcutting locations to make them reflect their current Woodcutting counterparts:
- Divine oak tree
- Level requirement to make has been changed from 21 to 13
- Recipe changed to use flickering energy
- Divine willow tree
- Level requirement to make has been changed from 31 to 21
- Recipe changed to use bright energy
- Divine yew tree
- Level requirement to make has been changed from 62 to 71
- Recipe changed to use lustrous energy
- Players no longer get stuck when teleporting to Copper Longtails using the Volcanic Trapper outfit.
- Capped damage for Primal Crossbows at level 85 for base and level 90 for Mk. 5.
- You no longer require an unnoted Eternal Magic Log in your Backpack to create upgraded versions of Eternal Magic Shortbows and Primal Crossbows.
- Fixed a minor issue where players could hear the Lumberjack Intuition buff sound from nearby players.
- Corrected the Wrapped Masterwork Bow Grip's interaction message.
- H.A.M. members will now drop wood spirits when pickpocketed, both before and after the completion of the 'Lost Her Marbles' miniquest.
- Perfect branches will no longer drop for woodcutters while stat boosted.
- Minor fix to Firemaking level requirement when lighting Eternal Magic Logs from the Inventory and the ground.
- When collecting birds nests, if you have unlocked the ability to store them in your Woodbox, and you are carrying your Woodbox, then they will now go into your Woodbox before being ported to the Bank.
- Nature's Sentinel teleports are now listed in (mostly) descending order, so the more desirable ones are on the first page.
- When the Tier 2 Ranger's Workroom, Crystal Knife or Wegali Incense Sticks magically string when Fletching, the side-effects of stringing the bow or crossbow now occur correctly. This resolves an issue where if the auto-stringing effect occurred when fletching primal crossbows, the Fletch Quest achievement's objectives to string a Primal Crossbow did not complete.
- Players can now toggle whether they want to receive Imcando Hatchet Fragments when training Woodcutting in the new Woodcutting section of the Settings menu.
- The Christmas event area in Burthorpe has been reverted back to normal.
- Recolourable titles no longer require the base title in order to use it when the player has unlocked the alternate variants.
- The game mode selection screen will now always open when clicking "Done" during character creation if players did not click on it.
- The Pink and Aurora Santa Hats' beards now hide player beards, averting catastrophic multi-beard pileups.
- Fixed an issue during the fight in the 'Phite Club quest where the player character model could get stuck if the player tried to free themselves from the pharaoh's stun. The player should now be able to free themselves with counter stun abilities and resume combat as expected.
- A couple of extra spaces in telescope hints have been removed.
- Updated the Mining Skill Guide to list size 6 stars and larger as members-only.
- An inaccessible star near the Poison Waste has been moved further east to an accessible area.
- Updated some quickchat options for Shooting Star.
- Fixed an issue where the Shooting Star cooldown bar was only displaying for players who witnessed the star being tagged.
- Changed it so you can claim the daily Shooting Star reward from any star sprite, as long as at least one star has been interacted with that day.
- The Group Ironman players can now store the Crystal mattock in the GIM storage.
- Reports now have the reported user correctly in focus. Previously the user would need to have typed in chat for the report function to focus on the reported user.
- Fixed an issue that impacted players attempting to join Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza.
Treasure Hunter Calendar
What's up next?
Starts 14th January | Ends 15th January | Crystal Capsules
Its second chance Tuesday for Crystal Capsules! Smash Shadow Gems to earn shards and exchange them for the Pestilent Torva armour override!
Starts 16th January | Ends 20th January | Rainbow Trail
Rainbow Trail makes a return! Get your hands on Rainbow-themed rewards like the Rainbow Trail, Title and Dragonbreath Override. Earn Rainbow Dust and spend it on multipliers for even more rewards!
The latest updates from our community
Community Showcase

Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:
Dungeoneering Team Forming
- Hosted By: Jen and Redwigon
- Date/Time: Thursday January 16th, 18:15 Gametime
- Location: Daemonheim
- World: 77
- FC: DGchat
Vorago (Learner Event)
- Hosted By: Redwigon and Aarie
- Date/Time: Wednesday January 15th, 18:00 Gametime
- Location: Falador Borehole
- World: 76
- FC: Mod Events
- Hosted By: Pippyspot and Boss Guild
- Date/Time: Sunday January 19th, 20:00 Gametime
- Location: God Wars Dungeon - Ancient Prison
- World: 88
- FC: Boss Guild
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!
Community Spotlight
RuneHQ is your source for RS3 and OSRS guides, databases, clues, and more! Join the community on Discord.
This week they will be doing their usual Distractions and Diversions before heading to Zamorak, Lord of Chaos on Saturday and Pest Control for tasty Thaler on Sunday!
RuneHQ will be hosting the following events this week, be sure to join the FC: EventHQ for more info.
- Wednesday, January 15th - 01:00 / World: 60 - Tues-Di-Straction Stream. Come join in at
- Saturday, January 18th - 19:00 / World: 60 - Zamorak, Lords of Chaos
- Sunday, January 19th - 19:00 / World: 60 - Pest Control
- The RuneScape Team
Mods Astar, Alex, Azanna, Bak, Balkan, Bam, Blkwitch, Boko, Brat, Breezy, Brig, Camel, Colibri, Chaose, Dark, Daze, Desert, Dorn, Dragon, Drew, Drewid, Easty, Echo, Fallen, Forza, Fowl, Fox, Frosch, Grace, Gunner, Helen, Hooli, Ink, Jack, Keyser, Kitsune, Kristy, Luma, Lunatear, Lykos, Lynx, Makkari, MIC, Mickey, Morty, Muse, Nemo, Neong, Nixon, Noms, Pearce, Pebble, Phoenix, Pigeon, Rain, Raiwtch, Ramen, Rowley, Rsguy, Ryan, Samy, Sakura, Shrew, Shrike, Skyefall, Soul, Sponge, Spyro, Stead, Stu, Sukotto, Taelae, Tiger, Timbo, Titus, Toebeans, Tri, Vegard, Volta, Who, Wov, Yuey & Zura