Have your say in the Community Consultation for Hero Pass and check out the One Special Day bundle to support Special Effect!
Hero Pass Consultation Begins
Shape The Future of Hero Pass
We're setting out on a journey to make Hero Pass a better experience and ensure it’s something that you, the players, feel is delivering on it's stated intents.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be working with the community in various ways to help us improve Hero Pass for the future.
Step One: The Survey
This is where it’s over to you. We’ve been listening intently to your conversations, and to take things further, we’ve launched our initial Hero Pass Consultation Survey.
This survey offers a more in-depth, collated way to understand how players from across the community feel in addition to your existing feedback. This is your opportunity to tell us how you feel about various elements of Hero Pass, with structured questions combined with areas to input your thoughts at length.
We’d love for you to approach this with an honest, constructive mindset – the more constructive you are, the more insight we gain to guide our first design iterations. Thank you to anyone who spends time to share your thoughts. We really appreciate it.
Click here to Give Your Feedback In Our Survey
Step Two: Player Panels
While we’ll share more details on this stage later, our next step will be to begin working on design proposals based on your feedback.
We will then consult with Player Panels to help gather initial thoughts and guidance on our proposed directions, refine them further, and begin sharing our designs with the wider community.
As a final note, this work is being undertaken by the Hero Pass development team. This consultation process will not be taking away from upcoming content plans – and we’ll be revealing the first details of our next Quest in October very soon.
Hero Pass: Underworld Updates
Daily Challenges & Rebalancing
As promised in our Interim Updates for Hero Pass, there are two bigger fixes dropping coming to the pass.
Firstly, Daily Challenges will be back next week on the 9th. Daily Challenges will work just as they used to – including Keys, Lamps and Streak rewards. Lamps will be removed from Daily Missions alongside this change, given their introduction was a holdover until we could reintroduce the Daily Challenge system.
Secondly, following on from our balancing proposal, we have rebalanced Hero Pass to take a significantly reduced time of around 40 hours of gameplay.
Highlights of the rebalancing include the reduction of Heroic Levels 100-120's Hero Point requirements to 1000 Hero Points, matching levels 1-99, with Mission Rewards getting a substantial boost in Hero Point returns.
All information regarding the new balancing can be found here.
Board Game and TTRPG Pre-Orders Are Up!
Get yours in now

The RuneScape Kingdoms board game and table top roleplaying game are available now to pre-order from Steamforged Games
RuneScape Kingdom TTRPG
Featuring a specially-crafted system and an in-depth guide to the world of Gielinor, this complete core book has everything a budding ‘Scaper needs to run authentic RuneScape roleplaying campaigns.

Whether you're a seasoned game master or just dipping your toes into the world of roleplaying, this guide has you covered. From full character creation rules and extensive crafting system to iconic weapons and spells, plus a bestiary teeming with monsters and bosses you'll learn to love (and hate) all over again — all of Gielinor is yours to (re)discover!
By pre-ordering, you’ll get immediate access to the next-to-final PDF of the core book. You can start playing right away! Please note this PDF is still going through the final polish phase. So, for those who’d like to, this is an opportunity to let us know about any typos you might spot before the final book goes to print. After all, hundreds of eyes together have formidable power!
Standard and Deluxe versions are both available to pre-order now - here.
RuneScape Kingdoms: Shadow of Elvarg Board Game and Expansions

We first announced the board game on Kickstarter in 2022, and thousands of you backed the project. You’ve helped make it a reality - now it’s ready for pre-order!
1-5 players can explore the sometimes epic, often irreverent world of Gielinor in a series of cooperative campaigns. Quest, skill, encounter memorable characters, craft awesome gear — get distracted by side quests — and become the kind of ‘Scaper you want to be.
The core board game comes with 14 beautifully sculpted miniatures and 4 replayable campaigns. A deluxe expansion as well as KBD, Kalphite Queen, Zuk and Culinaromancer expansions are also available.

The special Kickstarter prices have passed, but - for a limited time only - you can grab a Deluxe Bundle, which features online exclusives. Think limited edition dice, neoprene maps and battlegrounds, wooden tokens, and some snazzy metal ‘gold pieces’!
For more details on all the products visit Steamforged Games website here
One Special Day & World Mental Health Day
Goodies for a special cause
Once again, we’re teaming up with Special Effect to bring you an assortment of in-game goodies for One Special Day on October 6th!
Special Effect are committed to levelling the playing field for disabled gamers around the world, and all proceeds from this bundle will go to support this important work.
The One Special Day Bundle contains:
- One Special Off-Duty Outfit
- One Special Off-Duty Coat
- One Special Off-Duty Leggings
- One Special Off-Duty Boots
- 3 Medium Protean Packs
- 5 Protean Powerups
- 3 Medium Skilling Dummy Crates
- 6 Combat Training Dummies
- A box of Clue Scrolls (untradeable)
Note: Ironman accounts will only receive the outfit.
The bundle can be purchased from the spotlight in the Marketplace for 200 RuneCoins.
Available from October 6th until October 13th.
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health day falls on October 10th, and usually we create a bundle in store to support this wondrous event through our charity partners such as Blueprint For All and RAD (Rise Above the Disorder).
However, this year we will instead be donating 100% of the proceeds from sales from both Solomon's Store and the Marketplace during October directly to our partner charities! (This would not include the proceeds from the One Special Bundle as those would still go to Special Effect).
Treasure Hunter Calendar
What's up next?
Starts October 3rd | Ends October 4th | Genies Wishes
Be careful what you wish for... you might just get it! Find Karima in your chest to make your wish come true, or enhance your next wish for even greater rewards!
Starts October 5th | Ends October 9th | Tinkerer's Trail
The Tinkerer's workshop has produced some of its finest work: cosmetic platinum sets of the Torva/Virtus and Pernix armours! Get your hands on these illustrious outfits!
The Tinkerer's Trail promotion also includes the tradeable Tokens for the Hedge Teleport and the Walk of Fame Override as Ultra-Rare prizes! Please note that these rewards and the aforementioned platinum armours are not affected by multipliers in this promotion and you will receive extra Oddments in place of any modified prizes you would have won.
Patch Notes
Fixes and improvements in this week's game update
- Reworded the description of the tier 8 worker district reward in Menaphos to refer to mining damage instead of mining success rate.
- Ring of Kinship teleport speed has been increased.
- A new teleport option has been added to the Disk of Returning that can teleport players directly to the Life Altar.
- When gathering the special seaweed or special sea-cucumber as part of the Giant Oyster D&D, if you already have or reach 200m xp, you will gather the relevant item on the next action instead of having to wait for the full 30 actions.
- Increased the mining damage boost that is granted when mining the red sandstone mineral deposits if you have reached tier 8 reputation in the worker district of Menaphos
- Bad luck mitigation has been added to the Engraved Sarcophagus when attempting to get a Sceptre of the Gods.
- Players can now toggle the visibility of EOC-only and legacy-only worlds in the in-game world-hop interface.
- You now automatically fast travel through Isafdar dense forest with the Tirannwn quiver 4 equipped.
Hero Pass
- Daily and Weekly 'Earn Hero Points' missions have been changed.
- The amount of Hero Points needed to complete the entire daily mission chain has been reduced from 160 points to 120 points.
- The amount of Hero Points given upon claiming the daily missions has been increased to 350 per mission.
- The amount of Hero Points needed to complete the weekly hero point mission has been reduced from 2000 to 600.
- The amount of Hero Points given upon claiming the weekly hero point mission has been increased from 1250 to 2000."
- Heroic Levels have been changed to normal Hero Pass levels. Any progress made towards those levels won't be lost and you'll see a boost in your Hero Pass level.
- Fixed the Adventures Feature missing section to have Hero Pass added back
- Ectoplasm and Necromantic runes can now be taken into the Lol fight during The Mighty Fall quest.
- The description for 'Honestly, It's Not a Purse' achievement has been updated to include impure essence.
- The potion crafting interface can now be opened by using clean torstol on an extreme necromancy potion.
- Updated the Well of Souls talent tree within the City of Um
- Earned points over the maximum are no longer displayed
- Instead, a 'MAX' label has been added
- This affects both the main UI and the progress bar
- Any additional points earned have not been removed, they are simply not displayed.
- If players are at the max amount of talent points earned, they will no longer receive a chatbox message regarding gaining talent points.
- Blood Nihil NPC's healing hitsplats are displayed after triggering its healing ability while using Death Mark
- Command Vengeful Ghost ability icon changed to better differentiate it from other abilities
- Improved the fidelity of several Necromancy ability UI icons.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Runite Ore to be weaved at level 6 divination. It is now set to level 55 divination as originally intended.
- Updated the message given when trying to take a cannon into a bork instance via the max guild portal.
- The teleport for Skeletal Horror via the minigame interface now teleports you to Fort Forinthry lodestone, instead of the Varrock lodestone.
- Issue where Druidic Ritual Quest was previously stuck if the old version of the quest was completed, now shows as complete in the Quest Journal.
- Fixed an issue that blocked some players from completing the Everlight Mystery.
- The 'Bladed Dive' ability can be used with non-weapon off-hand items after unlocking it from the Shattered Worlds reward shop.
- Fixed an issue causing the 'Fragments of Leng' item set bonus to not activate when using Aurora and Soul dyed variants of the Wen weapons.
- The 'Holy aggroverload' potion can now be stored in the inventory of a Beast of Burden.
- A player who has completed the Legacy of Zamorak season before completing the Elder God Wars season can now climb the stairs to the Falador throne room to get unclaimed Succession lamps from coronated Adrasteia.
- Players can now choose to change Adrasteia back to her coronated form during Twilight of the Gods / Aftermath by choosing the Legacy of Zamorak option from the Falador throne room stairs, if they've unlocked it."
- Fixed hidden/obstructed UI elements on beasts tab.
These changes had been patched into the game prior to this update.
- Players can now gain the Elder overload salve buff from Thok's Cauldrons when having any salve unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where prayer renewal effects didn't increase their prayer points given when the effect was extended. This will affect both lantadyme incense sticks, and Thok's overload cauldron
- Elder Overload Cauldrons no longer limit antifire and prayer renewing to 6 minutes
- Fixed an issue that blocked players from using Telekinetic grab ability on specific quest items like Right boot or Pickled brain.
The latest goings-on from our community
Community Showcase


Scapers' Screenshots

Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:
Town Square Q&A
- Hosted by: Lynxlynx & Saphhirra
- Date/Time: Monday October 2nd, 19:30 Game Time
- World: 3
- Location: Varrock West Bank
- Hosted by: M e r c y & Helpscape
- Date/Time: Wednesday October 4th, 12:00 Game Time
- World: 35
- Location: The Heart of Gielinor - Sliske Lobby
- FC: Helpscape
New Player Event: Dungeoneering Fun Runs
- Hosted by: Jen & RuneScape Discord Mentors
- Date/Time: Saturday October 7th, 19:00 Game Time
- World: 77
- Location: Daemonheim
- FC: Ahelp
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!