Daily Challenges
The Burthorpe Imperial Guard needs you! Members of all levels can now take on Daily Challenges: varied goals which, when completed, grant a healthy chunk of XP in the skill of your choice.
Each day, you'll be assigned a new Daily Challenge that you have the skill levels to fulfil. You can find out what this is through the new Noticeboard interface (more on that later).
These could be anything from culling the dagannoth population or brewing super prayer restore potions to cooking pies or growing watermelons. You can get hold of the materials you need however you like, but you'll need to complete at least the final stage of the process yourself. For example: if you're tasked with fletching yew longbows, you can buy the strings and bow shafts ready-made from the Grand Exchange and then put the bows together to complete the Daily Challenge.
When you're done, head over to Burthorpe and report in with the quartermaster for your reward. As you'll have to hand in any items that you're required to make, you'll be reimbursed with a challenge mystery bag, containing goods equivalent in value to any materials you had to use. On top of this, you'll get a hefty XP reward in the skill related to your completed Daily Challenge, as well as a spin on the Squeal of Fortune. Up to five of your most recently assigned Daily Challenges will be saved if not completed, so you can catch up if you miss out on a day or two.
Overcoming the thousands of Challenges that Gielinor can throw at you for sack-loads of XP and all expenses paid? Challenge accepted!
The Noticeboard
Gielinor is a vast place, filled with wonders, perils and riches aplenty, so sometimes the hardest thing is knowing what to do next! That's no longer a problem, with the introduction of the Noticeboard - the one-stop interface for all of your RuneScape adventures.
The Noticeboard - accessible anywhere via its icon in the bottom-right of the screen - brings the new Daily Challenge system together with the existing Quest Journal and Task Lists (now called Achievements) in one handy interface. For members, there's also a 'Minigames' tab, which directs you to Minigame or D&D content that's accessible to you, of the type that you want to play. To top it off, we've also included a 'Featured' tab, which picks out the best content that RuneScape has to offer that's suited to your levels, so you're never short of awesome content to experience.
Have fun!
Mod Liono
How to start performing Daily Challenges
Access the Noticeboard, or speak to the Imperial Guard quartermaster in Burthorpe.
Behind the Scenes Video
If you haven't already, get a sneak preview of the Challenge System - and much more - in our latest Behind the Scenes video:
In Other News
- The Gielinor Games have ended, and can no longer be accessed within RuneScape.
- Anyone with bonus XP left to use in their Mad May necklace still has plenty of time to do so: until the 31st of December 2012.
- The Recommendation system has been replaced by Challenges. These are different from Daily Challenges in that they have no rewards, but they're accessed through the same interface, and are a great way for newer players to find out what RuneScape has to offer.
- Solomon's Store now holds an all-new Royal Court range , including Monarch, Noble and Servant outfits, as well as a Jousting Lance weapon re-skin!
- If you're eligible for Sizzling Summer, be sure to pick up your free Squid Cape and Crab Dance emote from Solomon's Store!
View the patch notes archive here.
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