Happy (belated) Halloween! Read on for Forestry tweaks, new additions to the Stronghold of Security, a new Slayer block slot and more!

Update, 15:40 GMT: Check the changelog for an update on a beehive-related hotfix.
Next week’s update will be a maintenance week, so this is our last proper update before Leagues IV: Trailblazer Reloaded launches on November 15th. We hope you’re all as excited as we are! For now, though…
- Forestry Tweaks
- New addition, Hotfix, 15:40 GMT: Building a beehive in your POH no longer provides Construction XP, to prevent players freely training Construction via unintended means. We'll likely coldfix to resolve this issue in a different way in the near future.
- New addition: Chance to spawn Forestry events now correctly caps at 10 players, as opposed to practically guaranteeing a chance on every roll in mass worlds.
- The bonuses from Felling Axes and the Forestry Lumberjack outfit now stack correctly.
- Crafting Padded spoons now gives reduced XP, and the XP given is Crafting XP instead of Mining XP.
- Budding beekeepers will now be able to build a Beehive in their Player Owned House using Sturdy Beehive Parts obtained from the Beehive event.
- Foxes and poachers now only spawn outdoors to prevent griefing.
- Fixed a typo in the Skills interface.
- The description of Twitcher's Gloves now explains that they’re used on every tree cut.
- Removed mentions of tea brewing.
- Forester's campfires can no longer be created without using logs.
- Jagex Accounts Benefits
- Jagex Account holders are now eligible to claim Fancier Boots from the Stronghold of Security.
- Count Check, a new random event, has been enabled. He'll pop up occasionally and offer an XP Lamp to players who are using a Jagex account.
- Other Changes
- Players with over 300 Quest Points will unlock a new Slayer block slot.
- Planks from the Sawmill can now be placed in the Plank Sack automatically.
- Angler and Spirit Angler outfits have had their value increased, to reduce the odds of players accidentally dropping them.
- Certain Random Event NPCs may now follow players into the Bank.
- Dromund's cat no longer requires you to wear a Catspeak Amulet for dialogue once you've passed the required part of Dragon Slayer II.
- Falo the Bard will now recognise the Barrelchest Anchor (bh) if he asks you to bring him a Barrelchest Anchor.

Last week we released Forestry Part Two, and since then you’ve given us loads of feedback to sift through. While this week’s update aims to address a couple of smaller tweaks, we’re continuing to discuss the bigger bits of feedback we’ve received and explore what kinds of changes might be needed to ensure Forestry is in the right spot. Don’t worry – we’ll keep you all in the loop throughout this process.
We’d also like to stress that these changes won’t constitute a ‘Part Three’. We’re not looking to add more content, but to improve upon what we’ve already added to the game.
Without further ado, let’s have a look at the smaller changes we have for you this week!
Event spawning
We've got a fix this week for a bug where Forestry events were spawning more frequently than intended. The chance to spawn a Forestry event was intended to scale up to a maximum of 10 players, which should result in approximately 8-10 events per hour with groups larger than 10 players.
However, this wasn't being capped correctly and was resulting in uncapped scaling, effectively resulting in mass worlds guaranteeing a Forestry event every roll. You should still have plenty of events to keep you busy, but if they feel a little less frequent than before then don't panic - it's intended!
Padded Spoons
If you've been active in any OSRS social media circles over the last few days, you'll no doubt have seen the bizarre, buyable, bankstandable Mining training method that involves using limestone to craft Padded spoons.
When we said we'd be taking a look at a variety of Mining methods in the near future, this wasn't quite what we had in mind... As such, crafting Padded spoons will now provide - you guessed it - Crafting XP as opposed to Mining XP, and the XP per craft has been reduced.
Forestry’s buzziest event just got even better! As of today’s update, you’ll randomly obtain Sturdy Beehive Parts from the Beehive event, which can be used to construct a Beehive of your very own in the ‘Big Plant’ space of your Garden or Formal Garden. Of course, you’ll need a Player Owned House and the relevant rooms to do so!
You can even release the bees from your hive to let them bumble about your home, spreading joy (and pollen) before making their way back to the hive. Lovely!
Poachers Event
You’ve been perplexing those pesky poachers quite effectively, but we’ve received word that some of you have been hindering your fellow players’ efforts to free the foxes. Boo!
As a result of the frequent door-slamming at the Seers’ Village church, both foxes and poachers will stop spawning indoors. That should put a stop to the griefing and give the local clergy some much-needed peace and quiet.
Other Forestry Tweaks
We’ve also made a bunch of other changes and fixes to Forestry this week.
First up, we’ve fixed a bug where the XP bonuses from the Felling Axes weren’t stacking as expected with the Lumberjack Outfit. It turns out this was the result of an over-zealous safety measure to prevent excess XP gains, so we’ve done a bit of pruning. The issue should now be fixed, but please let us know if you notice further abnormalities!
We’ve also removed all mentions of teas and tea brewing from the descriptions of Leaves. Speaking of descriptions, we’ve updated the text on the Twitcher’s Gloves to more accurately reflect that they are a stackable item used on every tree cut.
As hilarious as the typo was, we’re afraid that the Iron ‘Feeling’ Axe is no longer mentioned in the Skill Guide.
Lastly, we’ve had a few druids contact us claiming that certain players are able to cancel their Campfire-lighting animation midway to bring forth fire from thin air, without burning a single log. Obviously this is a crime against nature, so we’ve put a stop to it. As of today’s update, lighting Campfires will always require at least one log.
That’s all for Forestry this week, but do remember that we’re working hard behind the scenes to read through your feedback and decide on some bigger changes to bring Forestry in-line with your expectations. Stay tuned for more news soon!

As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, we shared a blog to bring you up to speed on all things Account Security – including the many benefits of Jagex Accounts.
To be totally clear, getting yourself a Jagex Account is the number one way to protect your hard-earned gains, and we absolutely encourage you to check out the blog and think about upgrading, if you haven’t already.
To sweeten the deal, we’ve introduced a couple of in-game benefits especially for Jagex Account holders. Let’s take a peek…
The Stronghold of Security and Fancier Boots
It’s a debate that’s raged since the earliest days of the game: Fighting Boots or Fancy Boots? Neither side has made much progress (although for the record, this editor is Fancy all the way!) but today, we offer you a middle ground.
Jagex Account holders will no longer have to pick a side. Instead, they can swan on down to the Stronghold of Security and get themselves some Fancier Boots. This fantastic footwear combines the vibrance of Fancy Boots with the rugged sturdiness of their Fighting counterpart: snug, snazzy, and strong.

On the subject of boots, we’ve also made it easier to grab new ones from the Cradle of Life. You’re now allowed to have more than one type at a time, in unlimited quantities, and they’re storable in your Costume Room’s Armour Case. In addition, they’ll no longer be destroyed when dropped.
Count Check
Our next bulletin brings more disturbing news. It seems that vampyre activity is on the rise, even West of the River Salve. Count Check is on the move and he’s hungry for good Account Security practices…
Having enjoyed his stay in Lumbridge so far, Count Check has announced his intention to explore the rest of Gielinor, popping up randomly to check whether players’ Account Security is up to scratch.
If you have a Jagex Account and a Bank PIN enabled (UIMs are exempt from that last one), Count Check will offer you an XP Lamp offering XP equal to 10x your current level in the skill of your choice. Seems he got the idea from a Genie friend of his.
If he finds your Account Security lacking, the Count will instead offer you some advice about how to improve it. Once you have, you’ll be able to visit him in Lumbridge to claim one XP Lamp, as long as you’ve never had a reward from him before.
He’s also brushed up on his own knowledge and will now offer up-to-date advice about all things Account Security. He’s even spread the word to other tutors, including the Port Sarim Security Advisor and the Lumbridge Guide. What a nice man!
Also of note is that the Security Advisor in Lumbridge Graveyard seems to have disappeared. We’re sure it’s nothing to worry about.
Note that on ‘alternative’ worlds such as the Permanent Deadman World, 345, Count Check might have some trouble checking your account type. In these worlds, players will only have their Bank PIN checked.
So: if you haven’t already, get yourself a Jagex Account and snag some Fancier Fashionscape and extra XP Lamps! If you’re still on the fence, do have a read through the blog and learn why we’re pushing Jagex Accounts so hard – they really are the front line of defence for your characters.

Brace yourself – Leagues IV is coming! We’ll be dropping a new teaser every single day from Thursday, November 2nd all the way until Leagues IV launches on Wednesday, November 15th.

A little early for an advent calendar, but this one's just as good!
A good few of these reveals will be totally out of the blue (we hope!) but the majority will be exactly what you’re waiting for: Relics.
To keep up with the reveals, head to our ‘X’ (Twitter) page by clicking here and drop us a follow. We’ll also summarise everything you’ve learned in the FAQ Blog, where we’ll be answering all your burning questions over the next two weeks.
If you're looking to start discussing Trailblazer Reloaded with likeminded Leagues lovers, then you can always check out the Community-owned Leagues Discord where we're sure you'll be able to catch every reveal and start theorycrafting to your heart's content.
On top of all of that, expect some fresh Leagues content on our YouTube channel, infographics, and more over the coming weeks - stick around, you won't want to miss it!

No game update's complete without a handful of miscellaneous changes, so here they are!
- Following the addition of Path of Glouphrie, players who've earned 300 Quest Points are now able to access an additional Slayer block slot - thanks to all of you who voted in the recent poll on this one!
- Planks from the Sawmill can now be placed in the Plank Sack automatically. This change primarily benefits anybody using Sawmill Vouchers from Forestry: Part Two, though the change isn't strictly Forestry-related, so we popped it down here!
- We've increased the 'value' of Angler and Spirit Angler outfits so that players are less likely to drop them without realising. Those of you with a particularly high 'drop item warning’ threshold might want to double-check your settings before doing too much shift-clicking with either of these outfits in your Inventory. Anybody with a threshold of 30,000 GP or higher should be fine. This also means these items are more likely to be protected on death, so make sure to check those interfaces if you're heading into dangerous terrain!
- While we were adding the Count Check random event, we also tweaked a couple of others. The Genie, Dr. Jekyll, and Count Check himself will now be able to enter Banks. They won’t hang around for too long, but this should give you time to rootle through your Bank for that Herb Jekyll’s after.
- Events that teleport the player, such as the Mime or Mr. Mordaut’s School, aren’t affected by this change.
- Falo the Bard will now recognise the Barrelchest Anchor (bh) if he asks you to bring him a Barrelchest Anchor.
- Dromund's cat no longer requires you to wear a Catspeak Amulet for dialogue once you've passed the required part of Dragon Slayer II.

A collection of strange characters have made their way to the Merch Store this week! Head there now to meet a hellish pet straight from Evil Dave's basement, the greatest swordsman alive, and a friendly fellow to teleport you to the Abyss - all in pin form!
You'll also be able to pick up an Amulet of Glory Keyring - we can't promise it'll teleport you where you need to go, but it will keep your keys looking glorious!
Complete the Old School look with a retro-styled cord cap, new to the store!

The above items are all in-stock and ready to ship, so go on - treat yourself and click here!

The PvP rota has moved to Period A:
- 539 - (US) - PvP World
- 318 - (UK) - Bounty Hunter World
- 548 - (Germany) - High-Risk PvP World
- 577 - (US) - Free-to-Play PvP World
- 559 - (UK) - LMS Competitive
World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been activated with this rota.
World 569 (AUS) for Bounty Hunter has been activated with this rota.
The PvP Arena is using 'Max/Med' loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week.

That’s all for this week! Keep an eye out for further changes to Forestry and prepare for Leagues IV: Trailblazer Reloaded. Remember, there’s no game update next week, so the next time we see you will be League start. See you there…
You can also discuss this update on our official forums, on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel. For more info on the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.
Mods Abyss, Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, Boko, Bruno, Chilly, Crystal, Curse, Daizong, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Enigma, Errol, Fed, Gecko, Gizmo, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Harold, Hend, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Jerv, Keyser, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Lenny, Light, Mack, Manked, Markos, Maylea, Meat, Moogle, Morty, Necro, Nox, Nylu, Other, Pumpkin, Redfield, Regent, Rice, Roq, Ry, Sarnie, Shroom, Sigma, Skane, Skylark, Sova, Squid, Starry, Stevew, Surma, Sween, Tide, Titus, Torrance, Tsourorf, Tyran, Veda, Vegard, West & Wolfy
The Old School Team.