Halloween 2024

Halloween 2024

Reminder: Thanks to our continued efforts to improve our infrastructure, there will be NO downtime during game updates, including this week, except for major content launches! The game will reboot at 11:30am BST as usual, following a 45 minute timer. So, no downtime today, but please allow a minute or two for the servers to reboot and allow you to re-enter the game.

It's Pumpkin Spice season and Gielinor is bursting with Halloween spirit!

Issue Raised Current Status
We've received reports of some players experiencing crashes following today's game update. We've prepared a coldfix. You'll see a 45-minute in-game timer shortly, then the game will restart so that we can deploy the coldfix. There should be no downtime associated with this fix.
We're received reports about Combat Achievements not completing. These should be fixed for now, as of 16th October 13:45 BST, but let us know if you see any further issues.
The Clan Cloak and Vexillum appear invisible when worn by players. Unfortunately, this is not hotfixable, however, we'll aim to fix it in a future game update as soon as possible.

Changelog October 16th

Halloween 2024
  • The Halloween 2024 event has arrived! Get ready to carve up some wicked rewards at the farm south of Falador!

Varlamore: The Rising Darkness Combat Achievements
  • Added 11 new Combat Achievements for the Hueycoatl, and 9 for Amoxliatl.

Further Varlamore: The Rising Darkness Improvements
  • Caviar and Roe can now be added to a Reagent Pouch and wearing the Prescription Goggles can now save them when making Barbarian Potions.
  • Fixed a bug where Huasca Potions (unf) couldn't be stored within Potion Storage or be made via Zahur.
  • All new items from Varlamore: The Rising Darkness are now useable in Death's Coffer, provided they are tradeable and meet the 10,000 GP minimum value.

Wintertodt Improvements
  • Increased the number of points per heal for Pyromancers from 30 to 75.
  • Cold hitsplats now appear darker on other players so it’s easier to identify when you’ve been hit.

Other Changes
  • Adjusted the PvP Arena matchmaking system to ensure that matches occur more frequently, by grouping players in two groups:
    • Lower ranks consist of Bronze, Iron and Steel, and they'll be matched with each other.
    • Higher ranks consist of Mithril, Adamant, Rune and Dragon, and they'll also be matched with each other.
  • Fixed a bug in the PvP Arena matchmaking system where sometimes players were paired with nobody and got stuck in a ghost match.
  • The warning message about placing all your finds in the Varrock Museum crate can now be disabled permanently.
  • A pop-up chatbox message for house-breaking in Civitas illa Fortis has been replaced with a less intrusive game message that can be spam-filtered.
  • Superior Slayer Creatures will now consider spawning elsewhere if they cannot spawn in tight spaces due to their size.

PvP Rota

The PvP rota has moved to Period A:

  • 539 - (US) - PvP World
  • 318 - (UK) - Bounty Hunter World
  • 548 - (Germany) - High-Risk PvP World
  • 577 - (US) - Free-to-Play PvP World
  • 559 - (UK) - LMS Competitive

World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been activated with this rota.

World 569 (AUS) for Bounty Hunter has been activated with this rota.

The PvP Arena is using 'Maxed Med' loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week.

Halloween 2024

Spooktober is here, and Halloween spirit has taken over Gielinor! This year's Halloween event screams "Pumpkin spice and all things SUS"! South Falador is brimming with pumpkins and Jack O'Lanterns, where both new and familiar faces await... but this year, you'll need to make the spooky even spookier. You may also notice some stinking cute details long the way...

Getting Started

Here’s what awaits you when starting the Halloween event:

This year, you’ll meet Marika, a lady who loves farming, and hear her story. After losing a loved one who loved cats, she put her Farming skills to good use and created a cat portrait by planting pumpkins as a tribute. But doesn't it look a bit off?

Visit the farm south of Falador to see Marika’s pumpkin portrait for yourself, and help her make it purrfect!

Talk to Marika in the field over at South Falador Farm to start the quest!


As always there are some wicked rewards for you to keep!

First up, you can earn the Scarecrow Shirt to celebrate Halloween in freakin' good style!

This year you’ll also receive a customisable Pumpkin Head, which lets you pick the colour and expression of your choice! Are you an o.O or more of a *w*?

You’ll also unlock a Scarecrow to display at your Player Owned House – and again, you can customise it with the colour and expression of your choice! You can place the Scarecrow anywhere in your POH, just like the Wintumber Tree. The perfect way to welcome your guests to a Halloween shindig!

Welcome your guests with a surprised Pikachu face! *o*

Lastly, you can also unlock all the rewards from previous Halloween events. Speak to Diango in Draynor to claim them!

Varlamore: The Rising Darkness Combat Achievements

Varlamore: The Rising Darkness has been live for three whole weeks, so you’ve had plenty of time to get to grips with the new bosses. It’s time to up the challenge with some Combat Achievements!

You may now take on 11 new Combat Achievements for Hueycoatl, and 9 for Amoxliatl, ranging from Medium to Grand Master.

Hueycoatl Combat Achievements

Task NameTask DescriptionTask TierTask Category
Hueycoatl ChampionKill the Hueycoatl once.MediumKill Count
Hueycoatl AdeptKill the Hueycoatl 10 times.HardKill Count
Hueycoatl Veteran Kill the Hueycoatl 25 times. EliteKill Count
Perfect Hueycoatl Kill the Hueycoatl perfectly 5 times without leaving. To get a perfect kill, you must not take any damage from lightning attacks, Hueycoatl's auto attacks, or the tail slam attack. If you have failure messages enabled, you'll be told if you have failed the task. Damage taken by Hueycoatl's auto attacks which you are correctly praying against won't fail the task. ElitePerfection
Pillar LoverKill the Hueycoatl whilst it is vulnerable.HardMechanical
Is it a bird? Kill the Hueycoatl using only Dragonbane weaponry. MasterRestriction
You're a wizard Kill the Hueycoatl using only earth spells.MediumRestriction
I'm your son Kill the Hueycoatl whilst wearing two pieces of Hueycoatl armour.HardRestriction
Hueycoatl Speed-TrialistKill the Hueycoatl in 2:30.EliteSpeed
Hueycoatl Speed-ChaserKill the Hueycoatl in 2:30 with five or fewer players. MasterSpeed
Hueycoatl Speed-Runner Kill the Hueycoatl in 2:30 with three or fewer players. GrandmasterSpeed

Amoxliatl Combat Achievements

Task NameTask DescriptionTask TierTask Category
Amoxliatl Champion Kill Amoxliatl once. MediumKill Count
Amoxliatl AdeptKill Amoxliatl 20 times. HardKill Count
Kemo Makti Kill Amoxliatl 10 times without leaving her chamber. HardStamina
Nagua NegationKill Amoxliatl without taking any damage.HardPerfection
Temotli TriumphKill Amoxliatl using only glacial temotli as a weapon.MediumRestriction
Without Ralos' Light Kill Amoxliatl without losing any prayer points.EliteRestriction
Totally ShatteredKill Amoxliatl without any of her unstable ice shattering. HardMechanical
Amoxliatl Speed-TrialistKill Amoxliatl in less than 1 minute. HardSpeed
Amoxliatl Speed-ChaserKill Amoxliatl in less than 30 seconds.EliteSpeed

Further Varlamore: The Rising Darkness Improvements

Aside from these much-anticipated Combat Achievements, we’ve also been working to make your gameplay experience smoother across Varlamore. This week brings the following improvements:

  • Caviar and Roe can now be added to a Reagent Pouch and wearing the Prescription Goggles can now save them when making Barbarian Potions.
  • Fixed a bug where Huasca Potions (unf) couldn't be stored within Potion Storage or be made via Zahur.
  • All new items from Varlamore: The Rising Darkness are now useable in Death's Coffer, provided they are tradeable and meet the 10,000 GP minimum value.

Wintertodt Feedback Changes

Thousands of you have been huddling around the Wintertodt following its big update last week! We appreciate all the kind words you've shared with us, as well as your valuable feedback.

'Scapers who go for solo Wintertodt have voiced that restoring a Pyromancer is less lucrative after the update, since you only use one potion now. To compensate, we’ve increased the points per Pyromancer healed from 30 up to 75.

Some of you also reported having a hard time telling the difference between your cold hitsplats and those of your Woodcutting comrades. We’ve adjusted some settings so that other people’s cold hitsplats now appear a bit darker than yours, so it should be easy to tell when you’re being hit.

We hope these changes make your Wintertodt journey even better! As always, we'll be keeping an eye on your feedback - so let us know how you find these changes!

Other Changes

We'll begin with a change we know you've been eagerly awaiting: a fix for PvP Arena matchmaking!

We’ve adjusted the PvP Arena matchmaking system to ensure that matches occur more frequently, by grouping players into two groups:

  • Lower ranks consist of Bronze, Iron and Steel, and they'll be matched with each other.
  • Higher ranks consist of Mithril, Adamant, Rune and Dragon, and they'll also be matched with each other.

We’ve also fixed a bug where your assigned opponent would simply fail to show up to the match. No excuses now!

For context, this was not an easy fix to make. Working with such a complex system took some time. We appreciate your patience and sincerely apologise for the delay. As always, we'll continue monitoring your feedback and can make further improvements if necessary, so let us know how you get on!

Some other notable fixes:

  • The warning message about placing all your finds in the Varrock Museum crate can now be disabled permanently.
  • A pop-up chatbox message for house-breaking in Civitas illa Fortis has been replaced with a less intrusive game message that can be spam-filtered.
  • Superior Slayer Creatures will now consider spawning elsewhere if they cannot spawn in tight spaces due to their size. It should now be drastically more likely to succeed.

PvP World Rota

The PvP rota has moved to Period A:

  • 539 - (US) - PvP World
  • 318 - (UK) - Bounty Hunter World
  • 548 - (Germany) - High-Risk PvP World
  • 577 - (US) - Free-to-Play PvP World
  • 559 - (UK) - LMS Competitive

World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been activated with this rota.

World 569 (AUS) for Bounty Hunter has been activated with this rota.

The PvP Arena is using 'Maxed Med' loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week.

You can also discuss this update on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel. For more info on the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.

Mods Abe, Abyss, Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, BigRig, Blossom, Boko, Bruno, Chilly, Criminal, Crystal, Curse, Daizong, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Enigma, Entropi, Errol, Gecko, Gengis, Gizmo, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Harold, Hend, Hooti, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Jerv, Keyser, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Leebleh, Lenny, Light, Liron, Lykos, Mack, Manked, Markos, Maylea, Moogle, Morty, Necro, Nin, Nox, Nylu, Other, Philomel, Pumpkin, Redfield, Regent, Rice, Roq, Ry, Saiyan, Sarnie, Shogun, Shroom, Sigma, Skylark, Smithy, Sova, Squid, Starry, Suharun, Surma, Sween, Tide, Titus, TJ, Tsourorf, Tyran, Veda, Vegard, West, Wolfy & Yume

The Old School Team.