Bad news, everyone – we just missed Valentine’s Day with this update, so unfortunately we had to eat all your chocolates ourselves. Sorry! We do have a gift bag full of Poll 78 changes for you, though...

Changelog - February 15th, 2023
Poll 78
- Enabled spell icon resizing when filters are enabled in the Magic tab.
- You can now use a wider variety of seeds to fill birdhouses on Fossil Island.
- Crafted Runes can now be added directly to your Rune Pouch.
- Magic Secateurs' increased yield effect now works from the Inventory.
- Additionally, Magic Secateurs' increased yield effect now applies to bushes and Limpwurt flowers.
- The quantity of Nightshade received when harvesting has been increased and made into an untradeable, stackable version.
Other Changes
- Tweaked some Poison behaviour to restore prior behaviour for Treus Dayth, Corporeal Beast's Dark Core, and Chickens.
- Fixed a bug where re-applying Venom would reset the damage dealt back down to 6.
- Fixed a bug where the Muspah/Phantom Muspah's Freeze duration reduction was applying twice.
- Released a HiScores table for Skillers and 1 Defence Pures.
- Rupert and Mawnis Burowgar will now sell more than one replacement for the Dwarven Helmet and Neitiznot Helmet respectively. Additionally, both can be re-obtained from Perdu.
- Corrected grammar in the Tomes of the Sun, Moon and Temple.
- Removed debug text from gnome cookery.
- Fixed some floor tiles in the Key Master's cave that were blocking movement.
- When sacrificing Bones to an altar in a Player-Owned House, the game now consumes them starting from the top left of your Inventory.
- The world map has been updated to help those who struggle to remember the difference between Jaltevas, Jaldraocht, Jaleustrophos and Jalsavrah.
- Activity HiScores that previously had a minimum KC of 50 have been expanded; the new minimum is 45.
Hotfixes released over the past week
- Fixed a bug where Poison and/or Venom wasn’t being cleared on Chinchompas, causing them to instantly die on respawn.
- Fixed a bug where reverting Crystal weaponry wouldn't return the relevant seed.
- Fixed a bug where players who killed you in Last Man Standing would receive PvP kill credit if you died a PvM death to one of the reworked Wilderness bosses.
- Fixed a bug where the 'delay' at the start of a round of Nightmare Zone was greatly reduced.
- Fixed a bug where some bosses weren't selectable when customising a Rumble at Nightmare Zone.
- Prevented players being able to sell back their Colossal Blade to the Giants' Foundry, since they're reobtainable from Perdu.

It looks like you had loads of fun last week running around in your recoloured Crystal armour. We've seen some seriously fierce fashionscape alongside some mismatched fits so grotesque that we wouldn't even put them on our fridge. In any case, we figured you enjoyed the last lot of Poll 78 changes and that you might appreciate some more!
Let's kick things off with a big one... or is it a small one?
Spell Icon Resizing

"These resized spell icons are bigger and brighter than my future" - Mod Goblin, 2023
If you're a mobile player, this change is going to be pretty underwhelming. If you play primarily on desktop, strap in!
Have you ever filtered your spellbook and been left frustrated with the sheer amount of dead space left around those teeny, tiny spell icons? If so, this update will be an absolute game changer.
By enabling Spell Filtering and navigating to the Spell Filters menu, you'll be able to select a new option that will resize your icons. This means that when you've filtered spells out, any remaining spell icons (assuming you're not in a PvP area) will have their size adjusted to make better use of the space available. You'll finally be able to accurately use High Alchemy from the other side of the room. Hooray!
Magic Secateurs Changes
This fairy-favoured Farming tool has been an absolute necessity for any player taking their herb runs seriously. We've all had that disappointing moment where you finish up your run, get ready to deposit your herbs and notice that your Magic Secateurs have been sat in your Inventory the entire time, providing you with zero benefit whatsoever.
That all changes this week, and all you'll have to do to gain the benefit of these snippy Secateurs is keep them anywhere on your person. Whether you'd like to keep them equipped for nostalgia's sake, or level up your fashionscape, maybe even flex your Twisted Bow on your herb runs - the choice is yours!
Additionally, it seems the fairies of Zanaris have played a cruel trick on the lot of us by only granting a tiny slice of their power to this nifty tool. As of today, they've been gracious enough to allow the Magic Secateurs' yield increasing effect to apply to bushes and Limpwurt flowers, alongside the herbs they've always benefited.
If you’ve been put off Hunting by last week’s exploding toxic Chinchompas incident, you might have gotten a bit more familiar with the Birdhouses you can build on Fossil Island.
In the past, the risk-averse avians of Fossil Island would only accept hop or herb seeds as snacks. With today's update, you'll be able to add flower and allotment seeds to the mix, and perhaps make a dent in the stacks of Potato Seeds you have piling up in your Seed Vault. Mmm… earthy!
Rune Pouch
In a recent update, we added an option to the Settings menu that could previously only be toggled by talking to the Magic Tutor in Lumbridge. This setting allows any Runes you pick up to go directly into the Rune Pouch - assuming there's already a Rune of the same type in there, and enough space to accommodate them.
From now on, if you have this setting enabled, it will also apply to Runes that you craft. Hopefully this saves you a little bit of space, or perhaps cuts down on some Inventory management at places like the Ourania Altar.
Belladonna Harvesting
Last year, we added Poison Dynamite to Old School, made by combining good ol' fashioned Dynamite with Cave Nightshade. While Dynamite is worryingly easy to acquire in large quantities, Cave Nightshade can be pretty laborious to grow - and hopping around in dimly lit Skavid tunnels to pick it up off the ground isn't exactly the most engaging gameplay.
Those of you looking to begin mass producing these toxic explosives are in for a treat, because you'll now receive a significantly higher quantity of Cave Nightshade when harvesting Belladonna near Draynor Manor. Additionally, to accommodate for this increase in quantity, this harvested Nightshade has been converted into an untradeable, stackable version to allow for more convenient carrying!

Last week's game update was pretty light, but we still had a couple of fixes to make:
Today's fixes
- Adjusted Poison behaviour on Treus Dayth, Corporeal Beast's Dark Core and Chickens, so that it mimics the behaviour from before the update.
- Fixed a bug where re-applying Venom would reset the Venom damage back to its original value of 6.
- Fixed a bug where the Phantom Muspah's Freeze Resistance was applying twice, resulting in the boss becoming un-frozen quicker than before.
Fixes since last week's Game Update
- Fixed a bug where Poison and/or Venom wasn’t being cleared on Chinchompas, meaning they would immediately explode and die upon respawning.
- Fixed a bug where reverting Crystal weaponry wouldn't return the relevant seed.
- Fixed a bug where players who killed you in Last Man Standing would receive PvP kill credit if you died a PvM death to one of the reworked Wilderness bosses.
- Fixed a bug where the 'delay' at the start of a round of Nightmare Zone was greatly reduced.
- Fixed a bug where some bosses weren't appearing on the relevant interface when customising a Rumble at Nightmare Zone.
- Prevented players being able to sell back their Colossal Blade to the Giants' Foundry, since they're reobtainable with coins from Perdu.
Miscellaneous Changes
As per usual we've got an assortment of other, smaller changes this week, listed below!
- Released a HiScores table for Skillers and 1 Defence Pures.
- Rupert and Mawnis Burowgar will now sell more than one replacement for the Dwarven Helmet and Neitiznot Helmet respectively, even when you already own one.
- Additionally, both can be obtained from Perdu at an increased price.
- This essentially means you won't need to drop your Dwarven or Neitiznot Helmets to obtain extras, and that you can pay for the convenience offered by Perdu if you don't fancy a trip to the relevant NPCs directly.
- Corrected grammar in the Tomes of the Sun, Moon and Temple.
- Removed debug text from gnome cookery.
- Fixed some floor tiles in the Key Master's Cave that were incorrectly blocking movement.
- When sacrificing Bones to an altar in a Player-Owned House, the game now consumes Bones starting from the top left of your Inventory, rather than using the ones you clicked on, allowing for more convenient repeated clicks.
- Updated the World Map to help those who struggle to remember the difference between Jaltevas (Necropolis, near the Tombs of Amascut), Jaldraocht (Ancient Pyramid), Jaleustrophos (Agility Pyramid) and Jalsavrah (Pyramid Plunder).
- Activity HiScores that previously had a minimum KC of 50 have been expanded; the new minimum is 45.
- Players currently in the 45-49 range should find their scores are added gradually after some more gaming sessions. As the system is expected to struggle with an influx of newly ranked players all at once, we're taking it down in small steps like this; if it goes well we'll continue to lower the minimum KC required for a spot on the HiScores in subsequent weeks.

That's about all we've got for you this week, but make sure to check out next Wednesday's update to take part in Old School's 10th Birthday event!
We’ve got a fantastic celebration planned with some seriously silly rewards up for grabs, so we’d better see you there!
If you're PvP-inclined, make sure to keep an eye out next week for our first blog dedicated to Bounty Hunter.
Additionally if you missed yesterday's blog on Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire, click here to check it out! If you've got a design in mind for a community-designed weapon, make sure to share it out on the /r/2007scape subreddit or on Twitter using the hashtag #DT2CommunityDesign!
In the meantime, mark your calendars for Saturday, February 18th when the third season of Soup's Gielinor Games draws to its epic conclusion in a finale you won't want to miss.
Head on over to Soup's YouTube channel to check it out and catch up on any episodes you might have missed - you won't regret it!

We're on a roll with more Crack The Clue 3 hints! The first hint is for the clue obtained from Miss Schism. The second hint is for the clue obtained from Juliet.

The PvP rota has moved to Period B:
- 560 - (UK) - PvP World
- 579 - (US) - High-Risk PvP World
- 561 - (UK) - Free-to-Play PvP World
- 580 - (US) - LMS Competitive
World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been de-activated with this rota.
The PvP Arena is using 'Pure' loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week.

You can also discuss this update on our official forums, on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel. For more info on the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.
Mods Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, Boko, Bruno, Chilly, Crystal, Curse, Daizong, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Errol, Fed, Gecko, Gizmo, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Hend, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Keyser, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Lenny, Light, Mack, Markos, Maylea, Meat, Moogle, Morty, Nin, Nylu, Other, Redfield, Regent, Roq, Ry, Sarnie, Shroom, Sigma, Skylark, Soffan, Sova, Squid, Starry, Stevew, Surma, Tide, Titus, Torrance, Tyran, Veda, Vegard, West & Wolfy
The Old School Team.