This week the Ninjas bring in a raft of Quality of Life improvements, and the Fresh Start Worlds gang get another powerful XP boost!
QoL Ninja Strike
Courtesy of our Summer Game Jam!
We explored some great ideas for Quality of Life improvements at our Summer Game Jam, and we're pleased to announce that they'll be arriving in the game this week!
Improvements include enabling teleporting at the start of the Hefin Agility Course, UX tweaks for Anachronia Base Management and the Dream of Iaia, model updates for unicorns and Moia, and plenty more besides.
Those clever Ninjas have also made a host of quest-specific improvements to polish up some classic adventures that needed a little love!
Check out the full details in our Patch Notes section.
Fresh Start Worlds Week 6
More than Double XP for lower level skills!
The Competitive Period will be ending in just a few weeks, so keep pushing for those goals, Fresh Starters! This week, we're hitting OVER Double XP with 2.25 XP for skills below level 70, along with increased chances for double gathered materials and an amped-up accuracy boost from 50% to 100%.
Here's this week's bonuses in full:
- NEW: +125% XP (skills below level 70).
- +75% XP (skills above level 70).
- Continuation of Free Deaths.
- NEW: 30% chance to double gathered materials.
- Tier 3 Auras unlocked.
- NEW: +100% Accuracy in combat.
Merch: New Official Soundtracks
Make the music of Elder God Wars your life soundtrack!
One epic saga – two new official soundtracks! Take a musical journey deep into the climactic battle of the gods with RuneScape: Elder God Wars and Echoes of Orthen.

Elder God Wars features the songs that accompanied the culmination of this epic storyline, you can relive taking on each of the dungeon's fronts, and all those furious battles with iconic bosses such as Kerapac, Zuk, Croesus, The Archglacor, and of course, the mighty Zamorak. You'll hear some of the most iconic tracks including The Glory of Combat, Family and Holy Zamorak. Plus, feast your eyes on fabulous artworks that capture some of the key bosses in all their magnificence!
The digital Elder God Wars album and Echoes of Orthen album are available now on streaming platforms and for purchase from digital retailers. Click on titles to see where you can listen and buy.

For the collectors among you, there's also a beautiful Vinyl Edition of Elder God Wars, with 11 songs and stunning images. Your purchase includes the full 22-song digital album for when you're on the go!
Pre-order the vinyl now for shipping in March 2023 from
Merch: Halloween and Varrock Pins
Angels Scapes are back with more must-have merch!
Be ready to ward off demons this Halloween with your very own Silverlight Pin: just one of the limited edition items in part two of the Varrock Pin and Keyring Collection! This is a continuation of the Angels Scapes' Cities of RuneScape range over on our Official Merch Store.
Here's all the limited edition pins that are new in this drop:

- 99 Silverlight Pin, perfect for taking on Count Draynor!
- 99 Darklight Pin, a mini replica of the magical sword Silverlight, enhanced with the blood of Agrith-Naar!
- Dark Wizard Pin, killer of unsuspecting noobs since 2001.
- 99 Bank Sale Pin. Relive the nostalgia of painstakingly typing out text effects...
Head to the Merch Store to browse the full collection - when they're gone, they're gone!
Patch Notes
Fixes and improvements in this week's game update
Ninja Strike
- Clunkiness from accessing the lumber yard has been removed, reducing the animation time of entering the area, as well as removing some annoying terrain.
- Unicorns across the game have had their model updated.
- A warning has been added for when your Blessed Flask has nearly run out, at 10, 5 and 1 doses remaining.
- It is no longer possible to walk when reaching the first rock platform on the Hefin agility course, and it is now possible to teleport away when standing near the start.
- Added an option to 'contribute all' resources to skilling stations on Iaia.
- Added an option in Anachronia Base Camp management to assign 5, 10 or All workers to a resource, in addition to the existing X amount option.
- Some special attack tooltips that were not accurate to their effects have been updated to better reflect their use.
- The quest area for "A Soul's Bane" has been fixed so that it is no longer unplayable with certain remove-roof settings.
- The reward XP from the troll invasion reward book has been made easier to read.
- Added a "Do not ask me again" option to the confirmation box when entering or exiting the Dream of Iaia.
- The Shadow of the Storm quest has been improved.
- The Priest in Peril quest has been improved.
- The Imp Souled invention perk can now trigger if you have only 30 prayer points remaining.
- The Nature Spirit quest has been improved.
- The Big Chompy Bird Hunting quest has been improved.
- Moia's model has been updated across the game.
Wilderness Events
- The King Black Dragon can no longer be damaged by poison during his immune stage.
- A broadcast is now displayed whenever a Wilderness Flash Event starts, as well as five minutes beforehand.
- Broadcasts for members-only Wilderness Flash Events no longer show on free-to-play worlds.
- The World Map icons for Wilderness Events now show five minutes before the event starts.
- Location hints for some Wilderness Flash Events have been made clearer.
- Portable Obelisks obtained from Wilderness Flash Events can now be alchemised.
- Updated the Wilderness Events' Minigames interface to use an appropriate background skin for Legacy players.
- Tightened up animations for KBD and his support dragons during the King Black Dragon Rampage event.
- Fixed overlapping UI in Wilderness minigames.
- Broadcasts for Wilderness Flash Events are no longer cut off in chat.
- The infobox shown for handing in flowers at the Surprising Seedlings Wilderness Event now correctly matches the chat.
- The Wilderness warning interface will now open upon attempting to teleport to the Wilderness lodestone, if opted into PvP.
- The guaranteed critical hit effect from Greater Fury is no longer consumed by bleed ability damage.
- Bladed Dive can now be used when your current attack stat is at level 65 or above (including when you are using booster items to increase your attack level).
- Some players who have been unable to complete Death's miniquest should now be able to finish it and claim their reward.
- Incy's pet description now refers to Incy as a follower pet.
- The messaging displayed by Celestial Dragons in Dragonkin Laboratory when they heal themselves is no longer obscured by an enemy NPC target panel.
- Made a speculative fix to prevent players getting stuck on a black screen when logging into a Clan Citadel.
- The Lucky perk will no longer occasionally state that damage was reduced by -1.
- Added safety checks to prevent The Ambassador from disappearing during his monologue at the end of a kill.
- Added safety checks to prevent Subdued Raksha from disappearing at the end of a kill.
- Fixed the Wild Magic ability's tool tip to display the correct damage percentage.
- Fixed an issue where the 'weaken' and 'enfeeble' debuffs were not being applied correctly when active at the same time. Now only the most powerful debuff will be applied.
- Changed the description of Powerburst of Acceleration to be more transparent.
- Players will no longer be told about Christmas paper clean-up if nothing was tidied.
- Yak Track's Premier Pass now appears activated the first time a player opens Yak Track if a player purchases Premier Pass without previously opening Yak Track.
- Ariane, Linza, Owen, Ozan, Raptor and Xenia will now acknowledge the accomplishments of anyone who has completed the quests they are associated with.
- Fixed a typo in Quercus's dialogue.
- Fixed a typo in Acca Otot's dialogue.
- Fixed a typo in A Critic's Review.
Advance Notice of Oddments Store Change
Post update added 13:45 Game Time, October 31st
The team recently reviewed the Oddments Store changes from April and the assessed that Key Limits are out of balance with the limits on the other items in the Oddments Shop.
With next week's Game Update, the Oddments Store Daily Limit on Keys will be rebalanced to a 10 Key Daily Limit.
The latest goings-on from our community
Community Scarecase

Scapers' Screamshots

Community Spotlight
Shining a little light onto community events and activities.
Halloween Fashion!
The folks over at FashionScapers have been having a bit of a blast with getting into the spooky mood!

Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:
Skill & Chill
- Hosted by: MadClikr & the Lil Tuzzies Clan
- Date/Time: Monday 31st October, 23:00 Gametime
- World: 85
- Location: Burthorpe Bank
- FC: Lil Tuzzies
K'ril Tsutsaroth Hardmode
- Hosted by: M e r c y & Dung Titan
- Date/Time: Saturday 5th November, 13:00 Game Time
- World: 35
- Location: Zamorak Lobby GWD1
- FC: Dung Titan
- Hosted by: Pippyspot & Boss Guild
- Date/Time: Sunday 6th November, 20:00 Gametime
- World: 88
- Location: Elder God Wars - Glacor Front
- FC: Boss Guild
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!