PSA: Update launch is set for approximately 15:00 Game Time. A in game countdown has begun.
Gamejam is wrapping up and we are getting back to business as usual just ahead of Christmas!
Patch Notes
Fixes and Improvements in this Week's Game Update
- Wood Spirits have been added to the following loot tables across the game:
- Normal
- Lumbridge Catacombs (Crawling corpse torso, Warped Rat, Skeleton, Warped Bat, Corpse Archer, Skoblin, Corpse Mage, Dragith Nurn), Goblins (Lumbridge)
- Oak
- Lumbridge Catacombs (Warped Rat, Skeleton, Warped Bat, Corpse Archer, Skoblin, Corpse Mage, Dragith Nurn), Goblins (Lumbridge), Goblin Raiders.
- Willow
- Rock Slug, H.A.M Guard, Ice Warrior, Goblin Raiders, Cockatrice, Pyrefiend
- Teak
- Ice Warrior, Tortoise, Goblin Raiders, Cockatrice, Pyrefiend, Basilisk, Jungle Strykewyrms
- Maple
- Jelly, Young Grotworm, Rorarius, Moss Giant
- Acadia
- Ankou, Basilisk, Grotworm, Gladius, Moss Giant
- Mahogany
- Ankou (Elite), Grotworm, Greater Demon, Corporeal Beast
- Yew
- Spiritual Ranger, Desert Strykewyrms, Basilisk, Kurasks, Ancient Cavern skeletons and spirits, Frost Dragons, Lava Strykewyrms, Gladius, Scutarius, Capsarius, Airut
- Magic
- Ice Strykewyrms, Automaton Guardians, Mature Grotworms, Cadarn Ranger, Lampenflora, Rune Dragons, Moss Golems, Mazcab Raids
- Elder
- Liverworts, Acheron Mammoths, Camel Warriors, Araxxi, Solak, Mazcab Raids
- Slightly reduced the quantity of Magic Logs dropped by Nex: Angel of Death.
- Increased the quantity of Adamant Stone Spirit drops from the Giant Mole in normal and hard mode.
Dev Note: In order to add more sources of Wood Spirits in the game, and in preparation for the 110 Woodcutting & Fletching update next month, we've added them to various drop tables in the game. The approach here was to pick a broad variety of mobs across the game, and match the tier of wood spirits to the relative "tier" of content which players would encounter on their journey through RuneScape.
In most cases we targeted weak or "less-useful" salvage drops to replace them with, while in a handful of cases cases we replaced logs or other items such as stone spirits.
Dev Note: AoD was one of the biggest perpetrators for dropping mass quantities of Magic Logs, dropping more logs in a single kill than could be gained by most players in an hour of woodcutting. Todays change aims to soften the effect of this and should see little to no effect on overall GP/hour.
- Competitive Group Ironman players can now enable XP Share when Dungeoneering in Daemonheim.
- Updated the statue on the Iron Enclave with the first batch of world firsts. Congratulations!
- Added the Iron Enclave portal icon to the map and minimap.
- The Ironman Plaque in Edgeville now includes Group Ironman world first achievements.
- Competitive Group Ironman players can now teleport to sinkholes using the right-click teleport option.
- The Group Ironman storage interface now displays the group name when on mobile.
- Group Ironman players should no longer see Ironman armour pieces in Wardrobe.
- Unfired and ready skilling urns can now be stored inside group storage.
- Adjustments to the Blood Reaver healing frequency and interaction with on-hit effects:
- Updated the summon interface to display cooldowns. Those cooldowns are also displayed in pouch and scroll tooltips.
- Healing from Blood Reaver, Unicorn and Bunyip no longer interrupt channeled abilities:
- Scrolls cost 12 Summoning points with a Spirit Cape and 15 without.
- Blood Reaver scrolls have a 3s cooldown now.
- Blood Reaver passive skill no longer triggers effect through the player. This means it will no longer trigger poison or god books.
- Blood Reaver passive works in PvP now.
- Reworked existing tank armour to give a life points boost like the Necromancy tank gear.
- The Altar of War will now reset the cooldown of powerburst of vitality potions, if the player's last drunk powerburst was a powerburst of vitality.
- This will require the 'ability cooldown reset' unlock from War's Shop to be unlocked before the powerburst will be reset.
- Fixed a number of edge cases where the 'Dive' and 'Bladed Dive' abilities were not displaying their correct target options.
Dev Note: We're looking at toning down the power of the Blood Reaver; having a strong heal tied with a low point cost lead to instances where players could just endure any and all damage coming at them, with little danger and no real player input. Additionally reaver had taken over as the dominant familiar when fishing for more DPS due to a bugged interaction with some player-damage effects such as poison and god books. The reaver will no longer apply these effects to increase the cost of choosing reaver as a familiar over something like a ripper demon.
Dev Note: We feel these changes are pretty light, but we're also adding some additional levers (such as a player facing cooldown) which we can adjust if needed as we felt it's important to get these out now, prior to the launch of Combat Mastery Achievements in the new year.
Dev Note: We will be monitoring how certain gear performs; such as Cryptbloom and may tier down their HP bonus if deemed necessary. Additionally items that already provided a HP boost such as rogues gloves have had their boost increased to match similar tank tiering.
- Updated the Bone Brooch description in Reynold's reward shop at the Harvest Hallow, as the transmog item does not work in the Wilderness.
- Fixed an issue with some Maize Maze hedges missing blocking.
- Wildstalker Helmet and Antique Duelist's Cap can no longer be used to transform into the Commemorative Statue in the Harvest Hollow.
- Keepsaked outfits should now correctly count as 'spooky' when trying to complete the Field of Screams quest.
- Added primal metal and the surface Daemonheim ores to quickchat.
- Fixed 'Protean shakes' and 'Unstable protean shakes' being usable in Free-to-Play.
- Creature-specific wildcards are now correctly sent to the Bank instead of the Inventory.
- Following feedback, the 'Scruffy note' found within the Scabarite Cave has now been added to the Master Quest Cape.
- Moved the 'Dedicated Slayer' aura (all 5 tiers) from being a Combat aura to now being a Skilling aura, as it was pre-2019.
- Note: It was felt that it being a combat aura isn't the best place for it to be. All other combat auras have some effect on the act of combat itself, whereas the Slayer aura gives a chance at not reducing your slayer count, which leads to a longer task, which therefore results in more Slayer XP. As this does not affect your combat prowess and only affects the XP you get from the skill, the skilling section feels more appropriate."
- Fixed an issue that awarded players with an incorrect amount of secondary XP while crafting various items.
- Fixed an issue that refunded players with an incorrect amount of coins for their Completionist capes after the rework. This fix will affect only players that didn't login since then.
- Fixed an issue where the player with the Risen Walk animation override active was unable to move after replaying The Death of Chivalry cutscenes using the skull of remembrance.
- Korasi's sword can once again be reclaimed from Commander Tyr after the player has keepsaked the sword.
- Fixed a typo in the Wilderness Flash Event broadcast message.
- Buy limit no longer disappears when switching tabs in the Grand Exchange.
- Kal'gerion notes (part 4) can now be dropped on floors 46 and 47 of Daemonheim.
- The 'Music Maestro' achievement is now completed without a relog if a new song is unlocked after login
- Elen Anterth and Minerva have finally reached level 99 Necromancy, and are once again wearing their max capes.
- Updated Hannibus' model and animations within the 'Fate of the Gods' quest.
- Adjusted the Slayer XP Osseous awards when on a relevant task to be more in line with the other Rex Matriarch bosses.
- Premier Membership Tokens can now be added to the currency pouch.
- The Holly Knight Sword and Offhand have been added to the Premier Token store, in the Weapons tab.
- Fixed an issue that made the Ode to Deceit appear invisible when used with a wardrobe override.
- Fixed an issue that blocked players from interacting with Divination Wisps diagonally.
Black Friday Membership Offer
Available Nov 26
Looking to get back into the world of Gielinor ahead of the Christmas season? Well, you're in luck! You can pick up a bumper package of 57 days of Membership* via the webstore for £15.99/$21.99/€19.99 if you do not currently have an active subscription.
Check out the "Seasonal Offer" category on the webstore and get back in the game!
*This membership offer is only available via our webstore and not available via mobile. Once the 57 days of Membership runs its course it will become a recurring 1 month membership.
Developer discussions, livestreams and more!
November 29th: J-Mod Stream - JvM God Wars
Mod Yuey takes up the JvM mantle and continues their progress with a trip into God Wars 1 with the help of the Discord moderators! Catch them live at 17:00 Game Time. See you there, or catch the stream live on our Official Twitch Channel.
Treasure Hunter Calendar
What's up next?
Starts November 26th | Ends November 30th | Potion Pandemonium
Gather potions and use them to complete collections! Have a chance to get your hands on the new Faded Veils and Shrouded Veils with every key spent and the "Batnado" teleport from completing collections. You also can get pieces of the coveted Witch's Outfit!

The latest updates from our community
Community Showcase

Scapers' Screenshots

Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:
Mega Duck Runs
- Hosted By: Jen, Mega Duck and IcyLove
- Date/Time: Friday November 29th, 19:00 Gametime
- Location: Falador Park
- World: 39
- FC: Mega Duck
Nex - Angel Of Death
- Hosted by: Pippyspot and Boss Guild
- Date/Time: Saturday November 30th, 20:00 Gametime
- Location: God Wars Dungeon - Ancient Prison
- World: 88
- FC: Boss Guild
Learner Friendly Solak
- Hosted by: Epic Smoke and Solak Discord
- Date/Time: Friday November 29th, 21:00 Gametime
- Location: The Lost Grove
- World: 23
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!
Community Spotlight
PvPlatform is for all players that are interested in safe PvP and Minigames. They host a wide variety of combat PvP events each month. If this is something you're interested in check out their server or Friends Chat : PvPlatform for any future events.
- Castle Wars Legacy Chaos
- Legacy Castle Wars Chaos! Just no rock launching please. 1B prize split to the winning team.
- Where: Castle Wars Lobby - World 25
- When: Tuesday, November 26th @ 19:00 Game Time
- No Catapults
- Fight Pit Frenzy
- Bring whatever you'd like to fight with. Last man standing gets bragging rights as well as a fancy role and emoji in the PvPlatform server.
- Where: TzHaar Fight Pit Lobby - World 35
- When: Saturday, November 30th @ 19:00 Game Time
- Master Hide 'n Seek
- Two hiders, each with two locations, for a total of four hiding spots. GP prizes to the first successful seekers of each location.
- Where: Meet up at the Burthorpe lodestone - World 45
- When: Sunday, December 1st @ 18:00 Game Time
- The RuneScape Team
Mods Astar, Alex, Azanna, Bak, Balkan, Bam, Blkwitch, Boko, Brat, Breezy, Brig, Camel, Colibri, Chaose, Dark, Daze, Desert, Dorn, Dragon, Drew, Drewid, Easty, Echo, Fallen, Forza, Fowl, Fox, Frosch, Grace, Gunner, Helen, Hooli, Ink, Jack, Keyser, Kitsune, Kristy, Luma, Lunatear, Lykos, Lynx, Makkari, MIC, Mickey, Morty, Muse, Nemo, Neong, Nixon, Noms, Pearce, Pebble, Phoenix, Pigeon, Rain, Raiwtch, Ramen, Rowley, Rsguy, Ryan, Samy, Sakura, Shrew, Shrike, Skyefall, Soul, Sponge, Spyro, Stead, Stu, Sukotto, Taelae, Tiger, Timbo, Titus, Toebeans, Tri, Vegard, Volta, Who, Wov, Yuey & Zura