Right Click Re-Examine: 110 Runecrafting
Summary of Previously Discussed Topics:
- Introducing a new Level 100–110 Magic Weapon crafting system, including the highly anticipated Masterwork Staff.
- Adding a new Combination Rune and revamping both Combination Rune crafting and its usage in spells.
- Developing new spells that utilize this new Combination Rune, while also updating some existing spells to incorporate it.
- Introducing a large essence pouch, designed to make rune crafting more efficient and convenient.
While players have shown excitement about the new systems and rewards, there were concerns raised—particularly regarding the impact of Combination Runes on existing mechanics and spells. We've been closely monitoring player discussions and feedback, and today we’re excited to share some updates and refinements based on your input.
Time for an update
The first update we're addressing is the introduction of the new Elemental Combination Rune, along with changes to combination rune crafting and spell usage. After careful consideration and feedback from the community, we decided to revise our approach. While the concept had potential, initial concerns highlighted that it added complexity without significantly enhancing gameplay. Players expressed worries about upkeep and creation mechanics, which we agree detracted from the experience.
Combination Runes remain an area of interest for potential future updates, but they won’t be part of the upcoming changes with 110 Runecrafting. So, what does this mean for the new spell ideas and processes? Time will tell ...
No but seriously we are going to be introducing a new rune.
New Rune? About Time
Introducing the Time Rune! A new catalytic rune that utilizes wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff to create beneficial spells and effects.

Our first concepts included clock faces, sundials and arrows but we decided that keeping it to the classic Hourglass helped improve its legibility and theme.

Speaking of spells, here's a list of some skilling, combat, and teleport spells we're considering at the moment. Note that balancing has not been finalised yet.
Spell | Description | Spellbook |
Temporal Paradox | Gather double resources when mining, woodcutting, and fishing, and target empty box traps to automatically catch double creatures, at the cost of greatly reduced XP | Lunar |
Fast Rockertunities | Reduces the time between Rockertunities spawning. Lasts for a number of seconds. | Lunar |
Replenish Essence | Reaches back in time and fills the backpack, and any pouches, familiars and worn outfits with pure essence. Has a long cooldown. | Lunar |
Longer Lumberjack's Intuition | For some minutes, any lumberjacks intuition buffs you receive will increase in duration by a number of seconds. | Lunar |
Advance Time | Can advance time forward for one of a variety of options including things such as Archaeology research, Player Owned Ports voyages, and resetting daily-mineable sandstone. Can only be cast a limited number of times per week. | Standard |
Temporal Anomaly | For 12 minutes, gives a chance to reset the cooldown of a magic ability when cast. Scales according to magic power-armour damage bonus. As this is an aspect, only one can be active at a time. Therefore a choice must be made between spells and incantations such as Animate Dead and Darkness. |
Standard |
Crumble Undead (Auto Cast) | Deals 30% increased base damage against undead enemies. | Standard |
Western Kharazi Jungle Teleport | Teleports to the western side of the Kharazi jungle. | Lunar |
Mountain Camp Teleport | Teleports to the Mountain Camp east of Relekka. | Lunar |
Western Anachronia Teleport | Teleports to the western side of Anchronia. | Standard |
Eastern Anachronia Teleport | Teleports to the central-eastern side of Anachronia, near the big game hunter locations. | Standard |
Lost Grove Teleport | Teleport to the north of the Lost Grove. | Standard |
This list of spells represents just a few of the ideas we've been considering, including suggestions from the community. Please note that none of these are guaranteed to make it into the game or even the launch of 110 Runecrafting at this moment. However, new spells offer exciting opportunities for future updates, and some of the most impactful spells in the game often originate from quests and adventures.
Now, of course - you might be wondering where these runes are made. For that we need a shiny new Time Altar - but we'll reveal further info on how you can find and access it in due.... time. (Sorry, we'll stop now). As a heads up though, you will need the Enchanted Key from either the Making History or Meeting History quests!
Weapon Creation
One of our aims with this update is to make Runecrafting the magic-weapon creation skill, beginning with a new set of creation mechanics for the 100-110 tier much like with 110 Fletching.
Initially the design had you bring an inert weapon with you while Runecrafting. Some of the runes you would've created would be siphoned by the weapon in order to imbue and upgrade it. This process would repeat as you upgraded the weapon through tiers - a similar system to Smithing and Fletching. While simple and effective, during playtesting the weapons ended up feeling more like a byproduct than the main goal.
After reviewing player feedback, discussing the concept, and experimenting internally, we decided to redesign the system. The updated approach shifts the focus to the weapon itself and introduces new steps and interactions, while also opening up an alternative method for training Runecrafting. However, we felt that it's still important to keep the core loop and identity of the skill with altar running and by using essence as the ingredient for upgrading weapons.
Here's what the gameplay looks like now:
- Using Eternal Magic logs, create an inert Wand, Orb, or Staff.
- Bring your regular Runecrafting loadout, essence, and an inert weapon to an altar.
- Start imbuing the weapon using pure essence, eventually upgrading it from its inert version to a wieldable level 85 weapon.
- Essence is consumed one by one, contributing to the progress of the weapon over time.
- Repeat this process until it becomes a +5/Mk. 5 equivalent where it can then be used as a level 90 weapon, or sacrificed like Burial or Martial weaponry for a larger chunk of XP.
This provides a rough outline for the gameplay flow. Our goal was to create an alternative way to gain experience in Runecrafting, making this method less click-intensive than current rune running. Players won’t need to navigate to altars as frequently, reducing the overall input required. Expect things like levelling benefits to also feature and offer bonuses for weapon creation.
This update will come with a craftable Eternal Magic Wand/Orb set and Staff. Similar to Eternal Magic ranged weaponry, they will start at level 85 and can be imbued up to level 90 and are unaugmentable.

When inert these weapons don't contain any power so they aren't useable, but once imbued each of these weapons powers up with pure runic energy.

Masterwork Staff
The Masterwork Staff is still planned for this update, but feedback on the original design indicated it was lacking a bit in the 'wow' factor. In response, we’ve refined its structure and enhanced its visual effects. Since the staff is already in the modeling phase, we couldn’t deviate too much from the overall theme and design. However, we hope these adjustments bring it closer to the community’s vision for a true Masterwork Staff.

Another topic of discussion surrounding the Masterwork Staff is the source of its materials. Prior to the launch of the Masterwork Bow, we chose not to reveal this information, which led to a more interesting and engaging launch. We’ll be taking the same approach this time and keeping these details under wraps for now. What we can share is that the staff will require Essence crafted from other weapons, much like the bow and sword before it.
Expansive Pouch
Feedback about the essence pouch, now known as the Expansive Pouch, has generally been positive and it's great to see players looking forward to crafting their own. However, we heard your feedback that the biggest concern was the size. We initially mentioned that the pouch will at minimum be 44 essence with the final size to be determined. While balancing is still being finalised, the current number we've settled on is 70! Not only that, but the expansive pouch also doesn't degrade meaning you'll be able to free up one of those Relic slots once you've got your hands on it.
We will be sharing more details closer to the update launch but like with the Masterwork Staff we aim to keep the materials and processes vague until the launch so that players can engage with and enjoy the process themselves.

So... when can we play it?
110 Runecrafting is progressing well and it's been super exciting to share this response to your feedback. We hope you love the sound of what we're cooking up. While we're not quite ready to put a firm date on things just yet, we're getting closer. Keep an eye on RuneScape.com and our social channels for a date drop in the future. Thank you again for all your feedback. See you in Gielinor.