RuneFest 2011: Meet, Pitch and Suggest!

Insider Sessions are a great way to learn more about RuneScape and what goes into the game but if you really want to get your idea across or have a burning question for your favourite developer, Meet the Maker and Pitch & Feedback sessions are for you.

All over RuneFest 2011 there are nooks, crannies, tents and bar stools populated by some of Jagex's most interesting characters. They're the guys who write the quests, design the skills and implement your feedback; the people who, day in, day out, are dedicated to making RuneScape the best it can be.

There are over twenty sessions scheduled involving dozens of J-Mods so if you want to know the gritty details behind the latest quest or have a wonderful suggestion you're dying to put to your top J-Mod, be sure to check out the full list of Meet the Maker and Pitch & Feedback sessions over on and squeeze them on to your ever-growing 'to-do' list.

RuneFest Team

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