The Beach is back! The Lumbridge Crater has once again been transformed into the sunny, sandy paradise of your dreams. Hurry up and slap that sunscreen on while we run you through the details.
The Beach
From July 20th to August 10th, you’ll be in for some summer fun down at the Lumbridge Crater.
There’s all sorts of seasonal activities to take part in, including beach ball rolling, sandcastle building, a coconut shy and a big ol’ BBQ! A little seagull has told us that everyone’s favourite dank chasm, the Dungeoneering hole, will also be making an appearance.
Every 15 minutes, a different activity will be spotlighted. If you join in during the spotlight, you’ll get an extra 10% XP!
You’ll also find portals to all the most exciting Distractions and Diversions, alongside two new ones for Anachronia and the Archaeology dig sites.
Remember to keep an eye on your temperature gauge while you’re splashing about! Once you’ve gained a certain amount of experience from the activities, you’ll start to suffer from heat exhaustion. You’ll need to eat an ice cream and cool off before you can start playing again.
At the weekend, the temperature will skyrocket, causing a heatwave that’ll last from noon on Friday all the way until noon on Monday. During a heatwave, you’ll be able to keep skilling even when your temperature gauge is full!
Look out for Happy Hour, too, when you’ll get more XP, no temperature increases and a better chance to get those coveted drops for an entire in-game hour!
Here comes the best part: while you’re having fun in the sun, you’ll also be earning some exclusive rewards!
This year you can get crabby with a bodacious, crustaceous costume, complete with an adorable matching pet.
Or if that’s not your style, we’ve reeled in a hefty catch of weapon overrides, including the classic Leveler wand and Bucket orb, the classy Caller of the Sea trident, and the downright threatening Shark Bait spear.
If you’re more of a chiller than a skiller, you can launch your World Guardian’s Runestagram career with the all-new Selfie! emote – or just lie back and relax with the Shade Thrower rest animation.
What would a trip to The Beach be without a bit of sandsurfing? This year, there are three new board designs for you to collect.
Here’s one for all you budding BBQ’ers: three somewhat amusing aprons, perfect for entertaining your friends while you gather about the grill.
Lastly, we regret to announce that one of our Track Yaks seems to have had one too many Pinappletinis and has spilled their Yak Track Skip Tokens all over the place! He’s got plenty, though, so if you happen to find one while you’re skilling, feel free to keep it.
Past Rewards
New this year is the Oddments Store, where you can trade in your extra bits and pieces for any of the previous years’ Beach rewards, including the Pufferfish Launcher, the Crusty Companion pet and the Banana Boat mount.
Skilling Drops
After you’ve done a bit of skilling, you might get lucky enough to receive one of the many skilling rewards The Beach has to offer – including a refreshing range of cocktails!
You might also stumble across a few oddments while you're training your skills. One man's flotsam is another man's jetsam, right? Right?
All right. Sunnies at the ready? Flip flops a floppin’? Then what are you waiting for? Let’s head to The Beach!