Things are getting extra wild in the Wilderness! Read on to find out more…

We'll start by saying a huge thank you to all of you who got involved in conversations and gave your feedback on the first blog. We've got a couple of additions, changes and clarifications in mind that we'd like to update you on ahead of polling, so let's not waste any time!
Wilderness Agility Course
We've adjusted the section in the main body of the blog to reflect the numbers we're playing with here, but to sum things up quickly:
- The first loot tier (roughly 10k GP per lap) persists from laps 1 to 15, up from 1 to 10.
- The second loot tier (roughly 20k GP per lap) persists from laps 16 to 30, up from 11 to 30.
- The cost to opt-in to this increased loot has been increased from 100,000 GP to 150,000 GP. Remember that this fee is removed from the game entirely upon death inside the course, and will be lost upon leaving the course. The fee is not lost on logout, though your streak will reset.
- We've added an additional Poll Question to ask whether or not Amylase crystals should be a potential reward from this system.
- We'd like to clarify that the loot distribution would be split 50/50 between Blighted Supplies and Alchables, or split 20/40/40 between Amylase, Blighted Supplies and Alchables if Amylase crystals are to be added as a reward. This equates to 1 Crystal per lap at Tier 1, increasing linearly to 4 Crystals per lap at Tier 4 (i.e. from your 61st lap onwards).
- We'd also like to add Medium Clue scrolls as a drop from this system, which would benefit from the Ring of Wealth(i).
- We'd like to make the Wilderness Agility Course a Singles-plus combat zone if it's to be updated, similar to the Revenant caves. While we're still keen on adding a hefty helping of Skeletons to keep players in combat and prevent insta-logging (a deterrent primarily aimed at combatting cheaters), some of you noted that it would still be possible to get into combat with a Skeleton and effectively 'box' yourself to safety either by closing the client ('X-logging') or just boring a would-be opponent.
- We're open to adjusting the location of Clue steps currently in/around the Wilderness Agility Course, but we don't have any specifics in mind yet and will look to poll these at a later date if they're still felt necessary.
The main aim of these adjustments is to combat concerns raised by players about the rate at which GP enters the game. With these new numbers and assuming Amylase is in the mix, a player would have to do ~27 laps without leaving or logging out for the GP value of any alchables they obtain to outweigh their initial fee, which equates to around 19 minutes of non-stop Agility assuming not a single PKer logs in to disrupt you during this time. Without Amylase in the mix, it's ~23 laps or ~16 minutes of running around at the speed of sound. You can still escape from PKers in the Wilderness Agility Course area with a freeze-log or the unconventional escape of reducing their Hitpoints to 0, but your streak will be reset if you opt to log out, requiring you to complete more laps to cover that initial 150k fee.
By supplementing loot with Blighted supplies, we create avenues for us to easily plug in additional supply drops in the future if we look to expand the offering of Blighted items, while also increasing their supply in the hopes of reducing the supply cost of engaging with Wilderness content - whether that's PvMing, Skilling, or PKing.
We anticipate that a player at the fourth loot tier (roughly 40k GP per lap) could rack up ~320 Amylase crystals per hour, which would put it at about double the Amylase output via Marks of Grace from the Ardougne Rooftop course, but would require you to remain uninterrupted and logged in for ~110 minutes of non-stop Agility to reach these rates.
That's about all we've got on Wilderness Agility tweaks since we last mentioned it! We'd like to take a brief moment to reiterate that if this is something you'd like to see added, we'll be keeping an extremely close eye on its impact to ensure players are interacting with the course in good faith and with an output that isn't damaging to the wider game. All that said, let us know how you feel at the polls tomorrow - if you're just not feeling this one then we'll look elsewhere in the future but we'd still like to find a neat way to bring this 20 year-old content into the current year!
Fountain of Rune
We're not looking to make any tweaks to this proposal at this time, but wanted to re-state and make clear a handful of things that we perhaps didn't pay enough attention to in the initial blog.
First up, as of November 2021, players are prevented from logging out for 3 seconds after casting any spell while in the area. We did mention this in the initial blog but it was a little bit tucked away. We'd be looking to retain this behaviour if this update comes to pass, since it's an effective way to prevent would-be botters from insta-logging and avoiding the risk associated with the activity.
Next, we saw a handful of concerns about inflation as a result of this proposal. Ultimately, inflation is driven primarily by the rate at which 'alchables' enter the game, rather than the rate at which they are alchemised. What we mean by this is that the end destination of items like Elemental Battlestaves, Onyx bolt (e)s, various Rune items etc. is still likely to be High Alchemy (or being sold to shops to negate the Nature rune cost). The actual GP 'value' of alchable items in the game would remain unchanged with an update like this, which makes it a pretty unique moneymaker.
What we mean by 'unique' moneymaker is that it's rare for us to implement moneymakers that don't fall victim to things like: giving out supplies and harming their value (which ultimately reduces the activity's profitability), giving out alchables and increasing the volume of GP in-game, or giving out uniques that tend to fall in value over time (and historically, hasn't been a popular approach for Wilderness content). This proposal is interesting in that it does serve as a strong moneymaker for anybody willing to take the risk required to get the most out of it, but that the money made is relatively self-contained.
Finally, we saw a handful of points around the potential profit rates associated with this activity. The example we gave in the post was around Rune arrows, which can be purchased for ~81 GP and Alchemised for 240 GP. At ~1,200 casts per hour and 30 arrows per cast (with the Elite Wilderness Diary completed), this would result in a profit of ~5.7 million GP/hr. That being said, you'd need to be risking at least 36,000 Rune arrows in the first place, so the lowest your risk could possibly be in this scenario is ~2.9 million GP. Once you're done Alchemising, you'd need to escape a multi-combat zone with one small choke as an exit point while carrying ~8.6 million GP as your risk, not including any gear you might be sporting to protect yourself.
A potential interesting side effect is that if players gravitate towards this method and - in this example - Rune arrows are alchemised more quickly, their GE price would likely tend further towards their alch value, which inadvertently makes them a more lucrative drop if you just want to sell them on, or might reduce the loss incurred by fletching them yourself. To put it in more 'economist-y' terms: we foresee that the potential inflationary impact of a faster money making loop will be counteracted by both increased risk and demand-pull inflation of the input goods causing profit margins to decrease.
What we're trying to get at is that you're not wrong, it is pretty profitable, but the risk you need to frontload in the first place is unlike any other piece of Wilderness content and makes it one of most true-to-form 'high risk, high reward' proposals, without specifically generating any new items in the process. Between the scaling with Achievement Diaries and front-loaded risk, we think this could be a piece of content that actually incentivises people to group up and fight back or tank test in a really unique way!
Everything Else
We feel the proposals for Wilderness Slayer NPCs in terms of both respawn times and quantity increases were pretty well-received. Some players pointed out that one of the NPCs you might encounter during the Curse of the Empty Lord miniquest, Rennard, might become an absolute nightmare to interact with if you've got even more Bandits roaming around that respawn quicker than you can clear them out - not good! We'll look to move him somewhere else inside the Bandit Camp so that he's still sticking to his roots, but perhaps not as frustrating to interact with.
We've adjusted the location of the 'new' Clue step from Question 1, and updated the image shown in the main body of the blog. Instead of our initial proposal, it'll sit on a hill just east of the nearby Wilderness Obelisk, slightly north of the Chaos Temple - meaning this step is still about as close to a teleport as it was before!
We'll give the 'Blip blocking scroll' a better name, we promise. We're very open to suggestions and it's mostly a placeholder at this time, it's just tricky to navigate 'blocking teleports' when Teleblock exists - perhaps something like a 'Teleport disruption scroll' might suit? Let us know!
We've bumped the purchase fee for imbued God Capes from Mage Arena II down from 500,000 GP to 250,000 GP. We've seen a number of calls to make these easier to farm manually and had a lot of discussions about this internally. We're not opposed to the idea at all, but have extra concerns that we feel we'd need to address first. Chief among them would be significantly reducing the GP transferred to your would-be killer on death, since these capes are extremely farmable and could stand to become a really potent GP generator. This isn't inherently a bad change, but it does significantly reduce the risk associated with a best-in-slot item for some builds, especially Pures/Zerks who tend to risk a little less. To add to that, the code associated with these is particularly spicy and untangling it is a bigger job than the team are able to commit to with our aim of releasing the majority of these changes alongside or shortly after Undead Pirates ships - it's a pun!
That's all we've got in terms of changes or updates, so you should be equipped with everything you need to know ahead of voting!
Before we sign off, we'd like to say a teeny bit more. We know that for many of you, the Wilderness or PvP in general just aren't your thing and perhaps won't ever be. We totally get it, we've got studies, jobs, responsibilities etc. and the thought of logging in to a game that's all about 'number go up' and having the potential for 'number go down' just isn't appealing.
At the same time, we do have a sizeable number of players who are either actively engaging in content like this or who we believe could be convinced to come back to Old School if there's a wider spread of activity associated with PvP activities, including Wilderness PvP. This number of players has increased significantly over the last ~2 years even when accounting for bots or gold farmers or other bad actors, and we still believe it's a cohort worth serving with untapped potential. Bringing players back to Old School benefits all of us, which is why when our Product and Design teams plan out our roadmap, we try to tailor various updates to different cohorts like Skillers, PvMers, end-game players, PvPers, mid-game players, totally new players, completionists, clue enthusiasts or perhaps a little bit of everybody with huge area expansions like Varlamore.
We appreciate that the gap between seasoned PvPers and those of you who haven't yet jumped in is large, and that there's more that could be done to close that gap. We're still working away behind the scenes on improved Tutorial-like systems for PvP (including a really neat Protection Prayer-switching sim), and regularly discuss things we feel we could do to help content like Emir's Arena live up to its potential, including by way of gear/reward offerings that help ease people into PvP and increase the proportion of 'new starters' for you to practise with or against.
While that work is ongoing, we still love seeing stories about you and your friends trying your hand at anti-PKing at Vet'ion, Venenatis or Callisto, or seeing posts of you scoring a sick anti-PK with an expertly delivered Voidwaker special attack. We want to make it clear that if you're somebody who's just never going to be on-board with losing your stuff, even if the rewards are worthwhile, then that's okay! We're not looking to 'bait' people into the Wilderness, we're looking to improve the variety and incentive for people who are perhaps on the fence to see if they like what the area's all about and who might go on to breathe new life into the PvP community by learning more and immersing themselves in the activity.
We've still got a Deadman Mode to come this year and plan to continue releasing PvP- and Wilderness-focused content in the rest of 2024 and beyond, we're grateful for all of thoughts you've shared with us as a result of this blog and we hope to continue learning and improving at delivering this type of content for a long time to come!
Thanks for reading and for all of your feedback, we'll see you at the polls tomorrow!

In last month’s Winter Summit Greenlight poll, you said “Y’ARR!” to a new Wilderness hotspot at the Chaos Temple, featuring undead pirates, chaos druids, and a whole lot of PvP.
Before we dive in to the Rewards side of things, here's a tiny sneak peek from one of our test worlds. Shown below is a Pure making use of a Dwarven Multicannon to deliver swift justice to these pesky pirates. You'll also notice that we're looking to see how things play out with a southern land-bridge away from the Chaos Temple, allowing you and your friends to try your hand at pincering opponents in, or recreating a Medieval pitched battle against a team charging in from the opposite side and meeting in the middle - dramatic!

This time, we want to focus on the rewards you’ll get from this new content – although there are a few other Wilderness-related poll questions we’d like to hear your thoughts on. Let’s take a look!

Before we move onto the rewards, we’d like to propose tweaking the Hard Clue step that currently points to the Chaos Temple and move it somewhere a bit less chaotic. We’d also move the associated S.T.A.S.H. Unit.
We’re doing this because Wilderness Clue steps are risky enough as it is – and nobody dreams of filling their Bank with ill-gotten Shovels!
The image below shows the new location of the step:

For us, this change is primarily just maintaining the status quo – where we make changes to Wilderness content, we'd like to try and keep the associated risk for things like Clue scrolls about the same as before. Of course, some of you might relish the thought of wading through a lava-filled warzone in search of rewards, so we thought we’d ask just in case.
Question 1: Should we move the Hard Clue step that currently points towards the Chaos Temple to a different Wilderness location?
With that out the way, let’s see the rewards!
If you read the initial blog post, nothing in this section will be new to you – except the poll questions, of course!
You’ll also remember that these rewards have a bit of a theme – they’re all tradeable, and they’re all intended to be consumed. Long-term, this means that economically minded players will see consistent profits from this area, as these items remain desirable over time.
Chivalry Prayer Scroll
You’ll remember that one of our primary motives in fleshing out this low Wilderness level hotspot was to give Zerkers, Pures, and other PvP-focussed builds a place to hang out. This area is unique in that it sits between level 9 and 14 Wilderness – the perfect spot for builds like this to get their PvP on! This also means that if you're still progressing your account and feel like a bit of risk for some juicy reward, you're more likely to be attacked by players around your Combat level rather than far beyond.
Equally, this first reward is aimed at PvP builds. Chivalry isn’t a new Prayer, although you’d be forgiven for thinking it is, because you’ve probably never used it before!
Chivalry requires 60 Prayer, 65 Defence, and completion of the King’s Ransom Knight Waves. In return, it offers a boost to Defence, Strength and Attack. It’s essentially a weaker version of Piety… and thus, it remains unused.
But you know what they say… Chivalry’s not dead! This consumable Prayer Scroll gives lower-level players the option to use a Prayer they wouldn’t otherwise have access to. It also evens the odds between players with drastically different builds – although the effects of the Prayer are marginal, it makes fights between level 45 Defence Zerkers and 70 Defence Mid-Levels a bit less of a foregone conclusion.
Finally, Chivalry is mutually exclusive with Steel Skin, Ultimate Strength and Incredible Reflexes. Combining these three Prayers into one is a valuable learning tool for players who are still getting used to the Prayer-switching demands of alternative account builds, since they'll only have to switch to one Prayer rather than two or three.
The one-use Scroll will unlock Chivalry permanently, so long as you have 60 Prayer to use it. Don’t worry – you can still unlock the Prayer the old-fashioned way if you prefer.
Question 2: Should we add the Chivalry Prayer Scroll, a tradeable item that would unlock the Chivalry Prayer as described in the blog? We will not adjust the current means of unlocking Chivalry.
We’d also like to adjust some of Chivalry’s bonuses. As a team, we’re committed to giving this Prayer a little extra oomph, but we’re torn between two very different approaches.
Option A: Give Chivalry 15% Defence, 18% Strength, and 20% Attack.
This approach leans into Accuracy bonuses while lowering the usual Defence bonus. Higher Attack has more value against high Defence targets than low Defence ones, so its returns are greater when punching up.
While you lose some Defence in this scenario, we feel that players in the 60-69 Prayer space are usually fighting NPCs whose damage can be mitigated entirely by Protection Prayers, so Defence isn’t all that useful. On the other hand, players taking on the Inferno or the Theatre of Blood might want that extra Defence so they can tank hits from multiple combat styles.
Option B: 20% Defence, 18% Strength, and 18% Attack.
This approach simply buffs the attack boost, increasing it from 15% to 18% without altering Strength and Defence. This puts Chivalry above Incredible Reflexes while keeping it below Piety in terms of power.
While this won’t give you quite as much raw Accuracy versus high-defence enemies, it’s a more rounded approach to the Prayer and will ensure that players retain their all-important defensive stats.
Ultimately, we're open to either approach, so we'd like you to help us make a decision!
Question 3: Should we adjust Chivalry's bonuses, with the specific adjustment to be determined in Question 4?
Question 4: Should we approach these adjustments with Option A or Option B, as described in the blog?
Adamant Seeds
Sermon’s over, time for a spot of gardening! You’ll remember the 40 Mithril Seeds from the Waterfall Quest – but did you know that their uses go beyond growing pretty flowers?
Planting Mithril Seeds moves you one tile westward, even when frozen. In PvP, this unusual quirk becomes a great way to get yourself behind an obstacle and break line of sight so that you can log out – or stop a player logging out on top of you while you’re frozen. This… imaginative use of floral arrangements adds a little spice to PvP, but it can be a bit predictable.
That’s why Adamant Seeds are here to revolutionise Wilderness gardening. They are the same as Mithril Seeds in every respect, except that when planted they move players one tile east.
Like their Mithril counterparts, Adamant Seeds are consumed on use. They’re a useful tool for all kinds of PvP activities (or for circumnavigating Gielinor in the slowest way imaginable), so we expect them to become a consistent source of income for players daring enough to obtain them.
Who knows, by the time 2044 rolls around we might add Runite Seeds to the mix…
Question 5: Should we add Adamant Seeds, as described in the blog?
Blip Blocking Scroll
Those Elder Chaos Druids sure do love their teleports – although the same can’t be said for their unfortunate victims. If you’re sick of being teleported around all over the place, you’ll be glad to hear that this handy Scroll will put a stop to it. Note: the name is a placeholder, we'll come up with something better, we swear!
Like the Chivalry Prayer Scroll, this is a one-time, tradeable unlock that will vastly improve players’ Pirate-slaying experience. Since it’s a reasonably rare drop, we’re also considering giving players the ability to block Abyssal Demons’ teleportation attacks. While this would make the Scroll a lot more useful, we’re concerned that it might buff Slayer too much. In times like these, we let you be the judge!
Question 6: Should we add the Blipblock Scroll (name TBD), a tradeable item that unlocks the ability to block teleportation attacks from Elder Chaos Druids, as described in the blog?
Question 7: If we add the Blipblock Scroll (name TBD), should it also prevent teleportation attacks from Abyssal Demons?
That’s all on the rewards front. We’re not looking to give the Undead Pirates a whole bunch of fancy uniques – we want them to provide consistent loot, with the odd rare tradeable to boost those profits. If that’s something you’re interested in, head to the polls and vote YES!

Note: the art shown in this screenshot is not final and may change prior to release.
While it's not strictly a reward, this cool-looking pirate ship that you'll find slammed into the Wilderness' eastern shore houses some chests which you'll be able to open using Zombie pirate keys, an uncommon drop from Undead pirates. When unlocked using a key, these chests will give you an additional roll on their loot table and double any loot received - including uniques! The aim here is to spread a little bit of the action into Single-way combat zones for players who are so-inclined, but keep the heart of the update in a Multi-combat moshpit.

We also have a few other Wilderness updates we want your opinion on. Our PvP team have worked on the majority of the changes to the Chaos Temple, but they're hungry for more and have found time to sniff out a few other quality-of-life changes we can squeeze into the update.
If you’ve been here a while, you might notice that the original poll for these features involved the Wilderness Resource Area. We’d actually like to revisit that separately for a more significant overhaul – especially having seen this fantastic suggestion from he box jonge!
In the meantime…
Fountain of Rune

This mysterious obelisk sprung into being almost ten years ago in March 2014!
If you don’t know, the Fountain of Rune provides unlimited Runes to anyone within its line of sight, which means that you can cast any spell you like indefinitely, so long as you don't mind missing out on XP!
Luckily, players have decided to use these infinite powers responsibly, and the Fountain’s main use is as a hotspot for enchanting jewellery and Crossbow Bolts.
We’d like to increase its utility by allowing players to cast Alchemy spells on multiple items at once while at the Fountain of Rune. This buff will scale with Wilderness Diary tiers, and will let players mow through huge stacks of items, making rapid dents in the ol’ Slayer loot tab.
Here’s how we’d like this buff to scale:
- Easy: 5 of any given item alched at once.
- Medium: 10 of any given item alched at once.
- Hard: 20 of any given item alched at once.
- Elite: 30 of any given item alched at once.
To put that in perspective, let’s take the humble Rune Arrow. It’s a real chore to alchemize the huge stacks of Arrows you’ll accrue over your adventuring career, but they feel a bit too precious to just drop on the ground. At the time of writing, a single Rune Arrow is worth a meagre 83 GP on the Grand Exchange but can be alchemized into 240 GP. Take into account that 150 GP spent on the requisite Nature Rune, and you net a profit of just 7 GP. Not really worth it, is it?
Remove the cost of the Nature Runes from the equation, however, and you’re looking at some real profits – especially if you’ve diligently ticked off your Diary tasks and you can alchemize 30 Arrows at a time. We reckon a speedy speller could cast High Level Alchemy around 1,200 times an hour, which leaves you with – one moment while we do the maths – fat stacks of cash.
The catch, of course, is that the Fountain of Rune is in an extremely dangerous area, at the northernmost tip of the Wilderness, and you'll have to bring the stack of whatever you're looking to Alchemize in the first place! It’s multi-combat, and you receive a logout timer after casting any spell – so you’d better be ready to risk it all. One of the big reasons we’re buffing the area is that it already allows players to adjust their level of risk to their comfort levels. You don’t have to bring anything you aren’t willing to lose, but for the very brave, the rewards are well worth the risk.
Now, the numbers we quoted above are open to adjustments in line with player feedback, but before we decide on the nitty gritty we want to know if this is a change the community wants. You know what to do…
Question 8: Should we adjust the Fountain of Rune by allowing players to Alchemize multiple items at once, as outlined in the blog?
Wilderness Agility Course

This spooky course has seen better days, having declined in popularity somewhat since it was released over twenty years ago.
It provides some solid XP rates for Level 52 Agility but comes with some heavy caveats. It’s hard to get to, you miss out on Marks of Grace while you’re there, and alternatives in this level range like Hallowed Sepulchre Floor 1 give you comparable XP rates with more lucrative rewards.
It’s time we showed the Wilderness Agility Course some love with a fully opt-in system that gives slightly boosted XP rates and leaves you with some spending cash.
To opt-in, you’ll need to deposit 150,000 GP into a pillar (or chest, we’re not sure yet) located at the end of the course – which is conveniently also the start of the course! Unlike other Wilderness deposits, if you die to another player within the course, this fee is removed from the game completely – presumably collected by the dreaded Wilderness Bankers - instead shifting the focus to the loot that you've accumulated by engaging with the content itself. This also includes deaths in the ‘underground’ areas reached by, er, falling off the course. Embarrassing…
After opting-in, you’ll receive loot every time you complete a full lap and slap that pillar (or chest). This loot embiggens (real word) with every lap you complete without logging out or leaving the area. The loot in question is made up of delicious alchables and Blighted items – so you’re free to go and do a bit of PKing after your workout. The split of Blighted/alchable items should shake out at around 50/50.
*Added on Thursday, February 29th: We'd also like to propose adding Amylase crystals as a potential reward from this opt-in system. We anticipate that a player at the fourth loot tier (roughly 40k GP per lap) could rack up ~320 Amylase crystals per hour, which would put it at about double the Amylase output via Marks of Grace from the Ardougne Rooftop course (or ~1.5x if the player has completed the Ardougne Elite Diary), but would require you to remain uninterrupted and logged in for ~110 minutes of non-stop Agility to reach these rates. These would account for around 20% of the loot if added, which would make the loot split 20/40/40 between Amylase, Blighted items and alchables respctively.
Here’s how the loot scales up:
- Tier 1: 1-15 laps - roughly 10,000 GP worth of loot per lap.
- Tier 2: 16-30 laps - roughly 20,000 GP worth of loot per lap.
- Tier 3: 31- 60 laps - roughly 30,000 GP worth of loot per lap.
- Tier 4: 61+ laps - roughly 40,000 GP worth of loot per lap.
At current rates (about 80 laps per hour) you’ll get about 2.2 million GP worth of loot in your first hour, and 3.2 million GP for every hour beyond that. Assuming you’re not interrupted, of course…
Touching the pillar (or chest!) will also restore your Run Energy, so you can indulge in some heavier gear and fight back against anyone causing trouble – and free up some Inventory slots you would otherwise spend on Stamina Potions!
Independently, we also plan to give players tokens at the end of each lap. Each one grants 200 XP (subject to change following feedback, of course), but stacking them up grants additional XP multipliers in the manner of Pest Control or Bounty Hunter’s rewards:
- 1-10 tokens grants the usual XP (200 XP per token).
- 11-50 tokens grants an additional 5% XP (210 XP per token).
- 51 - 100 tokens grants an additional 10% XP (220 XP per token).
- 101+ tokens grants an additional 15% XP (230 XP per token).
Assuming you trade all your tokens in at once, this means that your first hour nets around 17,000 bonus XP, your second hour nets 18,200 XP, and every hour beyond that gets you 18,400 XP. That’s on top of the XP you earn from actually doing the course, by the way. Stack your tokens and stick it out, and you could earn a whopping 65,900 XP per hour if left uninterrupted – about the same as you’d get from the Prifddinas Agility Course.
The catch is that these tokens are untradeable and lost on death – so you’ll need to carefully manage your tolerance for risk.
Speaking of risk, our final change is to add more skeletons (alive ones, obviously) around the course to make insta-logging less prevalent. Plus, those boney fellows could stand to build some muscle!
Question 9: Should we add an opt-in system that allows players to earn GP and Blighted supplies at the Wilderness Agility Course, as described in the blog?
Question 10: If the system from Question 9 is added, should Amylase crystals be obtainable as a reward? These would account for roughly 20% of the loot earned.
Question 11: Should we add a stackable token to the Wilderness Agility Course that players can hand in for extra XP, with increasing XP modifiers for bigger stacks, as described in the blog?
Other Improvements

Above: A huge crowd of Ice Giants gathering for Ice Giant Con, a one-time event held in the Wilderness Slayer Caves.
Finally, we have a rapid-fire list of minor tweaks to Wilderness content. Okay. Deep breath…
- Make the respawn timer of most Wilderness NPCs 9 seconds to reduce downtime on Wilderness Slayer Tasks.
- Add more of the following NPCs:
- Bandits at the Wilderness Bandit Camp.
- Dark Warriors at the Dark Warriors’ Fortress.
- Rogues at Rogues’ Castle.
- Ankou, Hellhounds, Ice Giants and Jellies in the Wilderness Slayer Caves.
- Shift the furniture in the Pirates’ Hideout so players can place a cannon.
- Add Rune Full Helmets, Medium Helmets and Scimitars and Dragon Longswords to the loot table for members-only high-level Bandits.
- Add more frequent coin drops to the high-level Rogue variants.
- Increase Superior monster spawn rate by 10% while on a Wilderness Slayer Task.
- Allow players to purchase multiple imbued God Capes for a cost of 250,000 GP. The current method of obtaining more capes will remain unchanged.
Aaaaand breathe. Oops, deep breath again for the poll questions -
Question 12: Should we adjust the respawn timer of most Wilderness NPCs to 9 seconds to reduce downtime during Wilderness Slayer? This aims to bring NPCs across the Wilderness more in line with each other.
Question 13: Should we increase the quantity of Bandits at the Wilderness Bandit Camp to improve the respective Wilderness Slayer task?
Question 14: Should we increase the quantity of Rogues at Rogues' Castle to improve the respective Wilderness Slayer task?
Question 15: Should we increase the quantity of Dark Warriors at the Dark Warriors' Fortress to improve the respective Wilderness Slayer task?
Question 16: Should we increase the quantity of Ankou in the Wilderness Slayer Caves to improve the respective Wilderness Slayer task?
Question 17: Should we increase the quantity of Hellhounds in the Wilderness Slayer Caves to improve the respective Wilderness Slayer task?
Question 18: Should we increase the quantity of Jellies in the Wilderness Slayer Caves to improve the respective Wilderness Slayer task?
Question 19: Should we increase the quantity of Ice Giants in the Wilderness Slayer Caves to improve the respective Wilderness Slayer task?
Question 20: Should we adjust the furniture in the deep Wilderness Pirates' Hideout, allowing players to place a Dwarf Multicannon?
Question 21: Should we improve the drops of high-level Bandits, as described in the blog?
Question 22: Should we add frequent Coin drops to high-level Rogues, as described in the blog?
Question 23: Should we make Superior Slayer creatures 10% more likely to appear while on a Wilderness Slayer Task?
Question 24: Should we allow players to more easily purchase multiple imbued God Capes for a 250,000 GP cost, as described in the blog?
That’s a wrap on this poll! We don’t anticipate any of these changes to be absolute game-changers but keeping up the momentum with these kinds of quick, scattershot improvements helps us breathe new life into areas across the game, without impacting the development teams’ other work.
The poll for all of the above questions will open on Friday, March 1st and closes on Friday, March 8th. In the meantime, stay safe out there – and remember to Protect Item!

You can also discuss this update on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel. For more info on the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.
Mods Abe, Abyss, Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, BigRig, Blossom, Boko, Bruno, Chilly, Crystal, Curse, Daizong, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Enigma, Errol, Gecko, Gengis, Gizmo, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Harold, Hend, Hooti, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Jerv, Keyser, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Lenny, Light, Liron, Mack, Manked, Markos, Maylea, Meat, Moogle, Morty, Necro, Nox, Nylu, Other, Pumpkin, Redfield, Regent, Rice, Roq, Ry, Sarnie, Saiyan, Shogun, Shroom, Sigma, Skane, Skylark, Smithy, Sova, Squid, Starry, Suharun, Surma, Sween, Tide, Titus, Torrance, Tsourorf, Tyran, Veda, Vegard, West & Wolfy
The Old School Team.