What's just around the corner in February and even more patches and fixes.
What's Happening in February?
Combat Mastery Achievements and More!
As we barrel towards RuneFest, it's a good time to take stock of what's happening between now and then. Coming soon to the RuneScape content calendar are the highly anticipated Combat Mastery Achievements! These achievements bring fresh structure to your PvM journey, offering challenges for every type of player—from aspiring PvMers honing their skills to Grandmaster-level trials designed to push even the most seasoned PvM experts in Gielinor to their limits.
Combat Mastery Achievements will release on February 17th. Ahead of its launch there will be a blog outlining the system and the rewards.
But that's not all you can expect this February! You can look forward to the following updates:
- Interface Sharing will release on February 3rd, allowing you to grab your favorite interface setups and formats from other players. Having a quick and easy way to copy a friend or creator's UI is something you've been after for a while, and soon it'll be here!
- Double XP will return from February 21st to March 3rd. Maybe some second screen Double XPing during RuneFest is in order?
There will also be the usual patch notes and community events sprinkled in each week, so be sure to check in weekly to see what's happening!
Transmute Boss Weapon Pieces
Presto Change-o!
With today's patch, we're introducing a new feature in Divination that allows players to transmute specific boss weapon pieces into their corresponding counterparts. This feature should assist GIM groups in crafting boss weapons more efficiently.
Currently, when a weapon piece drops, the next piece you receive is one you haven’t obtained yet, following a set order. However, in certain situations, GIM groups may end up with overlapping pieces when multiple players receive drops, as where you start in the order is randomized. This new system aims to streamline the process and ensure a smoother experience for everyone involved.
We've decided to build this feature into an existing skill as we want it to be accessible for all players and Divination is a great thematic fit! Hope you enjoy your new boss weapons!

Patch Notes
Fixes and Improvements in this Week's Game Update
- Corrected an issue where Bird's Nest+ (Seeds) could be rolled without having built the tier 3 Fort Forinthry grove.
- Removed a chair in Ruins of Uzer to unblock one of the scan Clue Scrolls.
- Pieces from the following weapons can now be transmuted into another piece from their respective weapons:
- Eldritch Crossbow
- Fractured Staff of Armadyl
- Ek-ZekKil
- Bow of the Last Guardian
- T92 weapons require: 92 Divination and 20,000 Incandescent energy
- T95 weapons require: 95 Divination and 25,000 Incandescent energy
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to bypass the requirements to smith items using a specific forge or anvil.
- Players can now exit Coeden's story during the 'The Light Within' quest on mobile.
- Resolved an issue causing the visual indicator for "Lumberjacks intuition" to disappear too quickly.
- Fixed bug with /wiki chat feature not unselecting chat after use.
- Chopping or grilling at the Clan Citadel now stops after two actions, as intended.
- Slayer Mask Task options are now displayed at the same time as VIP Ticket Slayer Task options.
- Players will no longer take damage after teleporting away from the Arch-Glacor boss arena on normal mode (safe death).
- Stringing bows with the Fletching cleaner will now only use the amount of materials you specify, rather than all materials in your backpack.
- Fixed an issue with Verak Lith where the NPC would teleport to the player suddenly, rather than play the intended walk animation when following the player around the arena.
- The Passing Bracelet's first option is now rub instead of wear and the first Actionbar option whilst worn is also rub, instead of teleporting to the Hanging Gardens. The hope is to make it slightly less annoying to use whilst Runecrafting in Um.
- Made some adjustments to various teleports across the game to ensure that players don't receive damage after they teleport away from a dangerous situation.
- Prevented repeated world first broadcasts from triggering at Zamorak, Lord of Chaos for enrage kills over 45,000.
- Fixed an issue that was causing Necromancy ritual disturbances at the Ungael ritual site to not last the expected 15% longer in certain scenarios.
- Rotated drawers in Ardougne Castle so they face the player when they are being searched.
- Rotated a fireplace in the Clocktower south of Ardougne.
- Using Gem Bags while Mining will no longer interrupt players.
- Updated the chat message when attempting to use Magic Notepaper on Karambwanji fish stating that this item cannot be turned into a noted version.
- There should be no more delays when players kill strykewyrms in quick succession.
- Fixed an issue which was causing some tiles within the Shooting Star landing zone to not count for knocking players out.
- When unequipping the Memory Dowser, siphoning now stops as intended.
- Fixed message about Golrana losing sight of the player.
- Updated the hilltop in Silvarea to bring it in line with the surrounding area.
- Improved ice cliffs in the Wilderness location accessed by the Chaos Altar.
- Restoring artefacts at the Archaeologist's Workbench will no longer cause stretching of Abyssal Whips
- Updated the Wardrobe tutorial to ensure the content in the window is displayed properly, with no alignment issues.
- The Grand Tree food and cookery shop minimap icons now properly show the location of their respective shops.
- The crate and candle are no longer floating at the Archaeologist's Workbench in the Kharid-et Dig Site.
- Third Age Druidic Robe top and Third Age Robe Top should no longer cause female models to break when using walk animation overrides.
- Fixed Salamanders getting stuck due to a rock when trapping at a young tree.
- Fixed stretching of Soulbound Lantern when sheathed with cosmetic overrides.
- Rotated the position of the Dark Silver of Leng (Soul) to match other dye variants.
- Fixed an issue with missing textures on the feet of the Retro Star Sprite.
- Fixed an issue with the lootbeam animation for the Hellfire Bow that resulted in poor performance and possible game crashes.
- The hole is now gone east of Ungael Beach.
Treasure Hunter Calendar
What's up next?
Starts January 30th | Ends February 2nd | Phoenix Rising
The Phoenix is on the rise and the rewards are red hot! Get ready to burn bonus experience, unlocking boosts and stronger Lamps.
The latest updates from our community
Community Showcase

Scapers' Screenshots

Pink Skirts Player Events
Last week marked the 10-year anniversary of the Pink Skirts Player Events team, and we're happy to say that the community celebrated accordingly!
Whether facing off against some of the game's toughest bosses, relaxing during skill 'n' chill events, or while spying on a few pesky penguins; players donned their iconic pink skirts to celebrate the milestone in style.
It was a week full of fun, and the team are incredibly grateful to all who came to celebrate, as well as to those who have taken part in any way these past 10 years.
Below are some of the pink-tastic pictures from last week:

Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:
Rex Matriarch
- When: Tuesday 28th January, 17:00 Gametime
- Who: M e r c y & Helpscape
- Where: Rex Matriarch Lair
- World: 35
- FC: Helpscape
Castle Wars (No PvP)
- When: Tuesday 28th January, 19:00 Gametime
- Who: Jay Sindab with Cwar United & Ahelp
- Where: Castle Wars
- World: 119
- FC: Cwar United
Mega Duck Runs
- When: Friday 31st January, 19:00 Gametime
- Who: Jen, Mega Duck & IcyLove
- Where: Falador Park
- World: 39
- FC: Mega Duck
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!
Community Spotlight
Fast SC
Fast Sc is the World 99 Non-Combat Stealing Creation Friends Chat, Where Friends Are Gathered As Much As Clay. Their goal is to provide safe and fast games for all their members. The main focus of non-combat Stealing Creation is collecting and depositing clay. Once all the clay has been depleted from the game map, the timer drops to one minute left regardless of how much time is on the clock.
This allows you to net points in faster per hour! Fast Sc is able to help you get with the Claymation achievement, obtain your Artisan's and Fletcher's outfits, and grab some bonus XP in the process!
Fast Sc has turned 16 years old! Come join the Fast Sc community through this link: discord.gg/fastsc and join in the following events this week:
Weekly Events 27/01/24
World: 99 FC: Fast Sc
■ Friday, January 31 @ 21:00 GMT - Learner SC: These are mentor-hosted SC games broadcasted globally. They're beginner-friendly as no chat hopping is needed for the hour.
■ Sunday, February 2 @ 20:00 GMT - Rank-Led SC: These are scheduled SC games run by the FSC rank team.
- The RuneScape Team
Mods Astar, Alex, Azanna, Bak, Balkan, Bam, Blkwitch, Boko, Brat, Breezy, Brig, Camel, Colibri, Chaose, Dark, Daze, Desert, Dorn, Dragon, Drew, Drewid, Easty, Echo, Fallen, Forza, Fowl, Fox, Frosch, Grace, Gunner, Helen, Hooli, Ink, Jack, Keyser, Kitsune, Kristy, Luma, Lunatear, Lykos, Lynx, Makkari, MIC, Mickey, Morty, Muse, Nemo, Neong, Nixon, Noms, Pearce, Pebble, Phoenix, Pigeon, Rain, Raiwtch, Ramen, Rowley, Rsguy, Ryan, Samy, Sakura, Shrew, Shrike, Skyefall, Soul, Sponge, Spyro, Stead, Stu, Sukotto, Taelae, Tiger, Timbo, Titus, Toebeans, Tri, Vegard, Volta, Who, Wov, Yuey & Zura