
Select a Year

Does Not Compute

In this week's poll, we have a few questions based on where you play RuneScape, with a few others on your RuneScape playing habits.

Question 1 of 8

Are you accessing this poll from a PC or a Mac?

  • PC

    (63598 votes 83%)

  • Mac

    (4249 votes 6%)

  • Other/Don't know

    (9054 votes 12%)

Question 2 of 8

Does the computer you are currently using have a broadband or dial-up internet connection?

  • Broadband

    (49842 votes 65%)

  • Dial-up

    (6325 votes 8%)

  • Other/Don't know

    (20734 votes 27%)

Question 3 of 8

Where do you regularly play RuneScape? Please choose all options that apply.

  • Family member's house

    (15947 votes 21%)

  • Friend's house

    (13013 votes 17%)

  • Home

    (70134 votes 91%)

  • Internet cafe

    (1946 votes 3%)

  • Library

    (4048 votes 5%)

  • School

    (4882 votes 6%)

  • Work

    (1541 votes 2%)

  • Another public place

    (1857 votes 2%)

  • Other

    (3520 votes 5%)

Question 4 of 8

How old is your computer?

  • Less than one year old

    (16481 votes 21%)

  • 1-2 years old

    (21025 votes 27%)

  • 2-3 years old

    (16280 votes 21%)

  • 3-4 years old

    (9622 votes 13%)

  • 4-5 years old

    (5640 votes 7%)

  • 5-6 years old

    (3275 votes 4%)

  • 7-8 years old

    (1700 votes 2%)

  • 8+ years old

    (2878 votes 4%)

Question 5 of 8

How many computers are there in your house?

  • None

    (387 votes 1%)

  • 1

    (21236 votes 28%)

  • 2

    (23028 votes 30%)

  • 3

    (15191 votes 20%)

  • 4+

    (17059 votes 22%)

Question 6 of 8

How many RuneScape accounts are there in your house, including your own?

  • None

    (933 votes 1%)

  • 1

    (25128 votes 33%)

  • 2

    (20924 votes 27%)

  • 3

    (10309 votes 13%)

  • 4+

    (19607 votes 25%)

Question 7 of 8

On average, how long do you spend in a single RuneScape session?

  • 0 - 30 minutes

    (4326 votes 6%)

  • 30 minutes - 1 hour

    (14528 votes 19%)

  • 1 - 2 hours

    (23165 votes 30%)

  • 2 - 3 hours

    (14793 votes 19%)

  • 3 - 4 hours

    (6596 votes 9%)

  • 4+ hours

    (13493 votes 18%)

Question 8 of 8

On average, how long do you spend per week in RuneScape?

  • 0-4 hours

    (11127 votes 14%)

  • 4-8 hours

    (13739 votes 18%)

  • 8-12 hours

    (12508 votes 16%)

  • 12-16 hours

    (10378 votes 13%)

  • 16-20 hours

    (7565 votes 10%)

  • 20-24 hours

    (5313 votes 7%)

  • 24+ hours

    (16271 votes 21%)