Today we have Bounty Hunter changes and improvements to Collection Logs and emotes!

Issue Raised | Our response |
We're investigating issues with completed Collection Log Slots appearing lower than before the update. Some players report that re-logging fixes this issue for them, but our investigation is ongoing. Update: We believe these issues are now resolved. |
We've deployed a hotfix which we believe should resolve issues with Log slots not matching up as you'd expect. If you encounter any further problems with Collection Log Slots, please let us know! |
Some items are causing a stretching issue with the new sit animation. | To be coldfixed. |
Bounty Hunter Changes
- Made stat changes to items obtained from and useable only within Bounty Hunter to improve balance and build variety.
- Adjusted the charge costs for specific items: Vesta’s Spear (5 Million), Statius’s Warhammer (10 Million), Morrigan's Throwing Axe (5 Million), Morrigan's Javelin (10 Million), and Zuriel's Staff (5 Million).
- Removed the ability to bring Phoenix Necklaces into Daimon's Crater.
- Doubled EP gain rate for players with a minimum of 50,000 risk and active targets.
- Risk tiers now display coloured skulls based on the amount of GP risked, ranging from Bronze (<200,000) to red (>8 Million).
- Players can pre-pack two supply crates in the lobby to bring with them to Daimon's Crater.
Collection Log Improvements
- Streamlined the overview interface.
- The overview now includes your 12 most recently obtained items and a new ranking system - progression ranks from Bronze (100 collections) to Gilded (% based, but around 1400 collections currently).
- Head to The Collector in Varrock Museum to claim your Staff of Collection (Ranging from Bronze to Gilded). Right-click the staff to create the accompanying Book.
- Ironmen accounts (not GIM) can now retroactively log certain whitelisted items obtained before December 2018. This will only include tradeable items that were on the Log from launch.
- Compete with others on the new Collection Log HiScores!
Emote Improvements
- Perform emotes by typing "::anyemote" or "!anyemote" in the chat box. For example: !cheer or ::cheer.
- Right-click and select 'Loop emote' to perform certain animations (currently Dance, Jig, Headbang, Fortis Salute, and Sit Down) continuously.
- Added a new Sit emote.
Ahrim's Ornament Kit Returns
- All missing Ahrim's Ornament Kits returns will be processed on February 4th alongside scheduled maintenance.
Other Changes
- The Raging Echoes Rug can now be built in the League Hall.
- Players can now create Chromium Ingots after discovering the secret of Chromium Smithing in the Undercity of Lassar.
- Fixed typos on the Max Cape teleport.
- Fixed a visual issue with Skotizo's magic attack.
- It is now possible to click completed Combat Achievement tasks in the chat box to see their description.
- World hopping should no longer produce an abnormal amount of Forestry events.
- Increased the rate (50-150s → 40-120s) and radius (20 tiles → 30 tiles) of player eligibility for Forestry events.
- The new Deposit Lock buttons can now be right-clicked to toggle the locks off and on again more conveniently.
PvP World Rota
The PvP rota has moved to Period B:
- 560 - (UK) - PvP World
- 319 - (US) - Bounty Hunter World
- 579 - (US) - High-Risk PvP World
- 561 - (UK) - Free-to-Play PvP World
- 580 - (US) - LMS Competitive
World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been de-activated with this rota.
World 569 (AUS) for Bounty Hunter has been de-activated with this rota.
The PvP Arena is using '1 Def Pure' loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week

Towards the end of 2024, we shared with you some improvements we'd like to make to Bounty Hunter, and today those changes go live!
The aim is to address some common issues with build variety and balance, make some of the lesser-used rewards more worthwhile, and support different approaches to Honour PvP.
Conveniently, Bounty Hunter is confined entirely to Daimon's Crater on specific worlds, which lets us tinker with all kinds of options that would usually affect the rest of the game.
While we've shared all this info before, we'll save you trawling back through the archives and bring you up to speed on everything that's changing today, starting with changes to Bounty Hunter-exclusive gear!
Weapon and Armour Adjustments
Remember, these changes pertain only to items that are obtained from and used within Bounty Hunter. Nothing that you see in this list has any impact on the wider game, so don't start running the numbers on whether or not the Dragon Longsword (bh) is worth using at the Wardens - it's not!
Ordinarily we'd use stats images for all of these, but there are far too many for us to go over so we'll save you some mobile data (we know you're reading this at work!) and pop it into a handy list for you all:
- Dark Bow (bh): Increase Special Attack Energy from 45% to 55%.
- Barrelchest Anchor (bh): Reduce Attack requirement from 60 to 50. Reduce Attack delay after a successful Special Attack by 2 ticks, meaning your next attack would hit 4 ticks after a successful Special Attack.
- Dragon Mace (bh): Reduce Special Attack Energy from 25% to 15%.
- Dragon Longsword (bh): Reduce Special Attack Energy from 25% to 15%.
- Morrigan's Throwing Axe (bh): Buff Special Attack to have 150% Accuracy. Increase Special Attack damage from 20% - 120% to 50% - 150% of your max hit.
- Morrigan's Javelin (bh): Buff Special Attack to have 150% Accuracy. The bleed damage from the Special Attack will occur every tick instead of every three ticks. The bleed damage from the Special Attack will be 75% of the initial damage. The bleeding damage will be increased from 5 to 10.
- Statius's Warhammer (bh): Successful Special Attack hit will reduce the opponents' Defence by 75%, up from 30%.
- Vesta's Spear (bh): Reduce attack delay after a successful Special Attack by 1 tick, meaning your next attack would hit 4 ticks after a successful Special Attack. Minimum damage for the second hit deals 50% of the initial damage, up from 25%. The maximum damage for the second hit is unchanged.
- Zuriel's Staff (bh): Reduce Attack requirement from 75 to 30.
- Morrigan's Armour: Nerfs to defensive capability.
- Morrigan's Leather Body (bh): Reduce defences from 61 to 35 Stab, 53 to 30 Slash, 66 to 40 Crush, 62 to 37 Ranged.
- Morrigan's leather chaps (bh): Reduce defences from 35 to 18 Stab, 29 to 15 Slash, 37 to 20 Crush, 35 to 22 Ranged.
- Corrupted Morrigan's Armour: Nerfs to defensive capability.
- Corrupted Morrigan's Leather Body (bh): Reduce defences from 27 to 14 Stab, 20 to 10 Slash, 24 to 12 Crush, 28 to 15 Ranged.
- Corrupted Morrigan's Leather Chaps (bh): Reduce defences from 18 to 9 Stab, 15 to 7 Slash, 16 to 8 Crush, 19 to 11 Ranged.
- Vesta's Armour: Nerfs to defensive capability so that Statius stands out as the tankier choice.
- Vesta's Chainbody (bh): Reduce defences from 74 to 55 Stab, 81 to 59 Slash, 89 to 62 Crush, 95 to 85 Ranged.
- Vesta's Plateskirt (bh): Reduce defences from 55 to 39 Stab, 64 to 42 Slash, 67 to 45 Crush, 71 to 59 Ranged.
- Corrupted Vesta's Armour: Nerfs to defensive capability so that Corrupted Statius stands out as the tankier choice.
- Corrupted Vesta's Chainbody (bh): Reduce defences from 25 to 18 Stab, 32 to 21 Slash, 34 to 23 Crush, 30 to 21 Ranged.
- Corrupted Vesta's Plateskirt (bh): Reduce defences from 22 to 14 Stab, 20 to 11 Slash, 18 to 16 Crush, 22 to 15 Ranged.
- Corrupted Statius Armour: Nerfs to some defensive capabilities as it's a little too tanky for its level range.
- Corrupted Statius's Platebody (bh): Reduce defences from 50 to 35 Stab, 46 to 31 Slash, 44 to 29 Crush, 45 to 33 Ranged.
- Corrupted Statius's Full Helm (bh): Reduce defences from 17 to 10 Stab, 20 to 13 Slash, 14 to 8 Crush, 18 to 11 Ranged.
- Zuriel's Armour and Corrupted Zuriel's Armour - Adjust 15% special magical attack accuracy when full set is worn to a flat 25% accuracy bonus for magical attacks (spells and special attacks).
- Zuriel's Hood (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 8 to 18.
- Corrupted Zuriel's Hood (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 5 to 12.
- Zuriel's Robe Top (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 35 to 58.
- Corrupted Zuriel's Robe Top (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 25 to 46.
- Zuriel's Robe Bottom (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 25 to 46.
- Corrupted Zuriel's Robe Bottom (bh): Increase Magic bonus from 18 to 32.
These new stats should address imbalances between builds and add a bit more appeal to some historically overlooked unlocks. Let the meta shakeups begin!
… in one moment. First, we want to highlight some further changes to the charge costs of some of the Bounty Hunter items, which should better reflect their strength and popularity. While risking 50,000,000 GP for a Vesta's Longsword feels fair, risking the same amount for Statius's Warhammer just means that most people don't bother bringing their Warhammer out. Here are the new charge costs of five different weapons:
- Vesta's Spear (bh): 5 million GP
- Statius's Warhammer (bh): 10 million GP
- Morrigan's Throwing Axe (bh): 5 million GP
- Morrigan's Javelin (bh): 10 million GP
- Zuriel's Staff (bh): 5 million GP
If you've already paid to charge some of these, we've added a message in-game to let you know that you're all the 1,000,000th visitor to Daimon's Crater and are eligible for a refund, which you can obtain by chatting to the Emblem Trader inside the lobby - don't spend it all at once!
Systems and Other Changes
New stats aside, we’ve also made some changes to the underlying systems in Bounty Hunter to make this minigame a bit more enjoyable for everyone.
Up first, it's time to hang up those Phoenix Necklaces. The trusty Phoenix Necklace is fantastic to help stave off death in multi-combat PvP but can lead to some anti-fun play patterns in the 1v1 Honour PvP that occurs inside Bounty Hunter. Used correctly, they're able to make players - in lower brackets especially - effectively immortal. We believe fights would be more enjoyable without them, so we're throwing them out.
Next up, we’re doubling the rate at which players gain EP in the Crater when they have a target and a minimum risk of 50,000 GP. This won’t drastically increase your reward output, and we have high confidence in our anti-griefing systems. Remember though – we have zero tolerance for boosting in Bounty Hunter.
We also felt that Daimon’s Crater could use a splash of colour, so we’re bringing back the iconic Bounty Hunter skulls! These let you easily determine another players' risked GP and let you see whether or not a cheeky target might have sneakily pulled out a new Special Attack weapon at the Bank, or dumped a bunch of their risked GP on the sly. We’re also disabling trading inside the crater to prevent players swapping risk to another account before starting a fight! Here's how it works:
- If you're risking less than 200,000 GP, you'll have a bronze skull.
- If you're risking between 200,000 and 800,000 GP, you'll have a silver skull.
- If you're risking between 800,000 GP and 2 million GP, you'll have a green skull.
- If you're risking between 2 million and 8 million GP, you'll have a blue skull.
- If you're risking more than 8 million GP, you'll have a red skull.
Rounding us off is perhaps the most significant of all of these changes: Supply Crates!

If you can’t see the image above, click here!
Not to be confused with Bounty Crates, Supply Crates are something you'll be able to put together in the lobby by stuffing 8 Blighted Manta Rays or Anglerfish, 1 Blighted Super Restore, 2 Blighted Karambwan and 1,000 GP into a crate. You can use noted items to make a bunch of crates, but you'll only be able to bring two into the crater with you. You'll be able to open these helpful care packages while in combat inside the crater to extend fights.
The aim here is to give prospective Bounty Hunters a better shot at killing their opponent and have more opportunities to do so before needing to bank. The nature of Bounty Hunter's Honour PvP means you're looking for that perfect window of opportunity: a flawlessly timed Vengeance, an opponent caught drinking a potion, a lightning-fast combo... you get the picture. If you're fighting a build that has higher DPS (for example, a Pure vs. a Zerker) then you'll often find yourself eating the entire time and leaving before getting the chance to at least try and kill your opponent, which isn't much fun for either of you!
Supply Crates mean you’ll spend less time returning to the lobby, and more time actually fighting. Combined with the EP changes above, we reckon this will improve the Bounty Hunter experience and considerably reduce downtime.
We’ll be keeping an eye out on your feedback about these changes, but for now, just go enjoy them!

You might recall that back in May, we introduced some “absolutely cloggers” updates aimed at making your Collection Log journey smoother, more satisfying, and more fun to track. Well, good news - we’ve just added a fresh batch of updates, so let’s dive right in and take a closer look at what’s been added.
A fresh new look
Let’s kick things off with the revamped Collection Log overview! We’ve given the interface a complete makeover to make tracking your progress smoother and more enjoyable. Everything is now neatly organized into a single, streamlined summary.

If you can’t see the image above, click here!
This fresh layout will make it a breeze to navigate your log, so you can stay focused on the important stuff: collecting. With all your progress in one place, you can effortlessly track your achievements and see how close you are to snagging those elusive items.
The ranking system
We know hunting down those Collection Logs can be grind. To help you stay on track, we’ve added a ranking system based on how many collections you’ve logged.
Here’s what you’re working towards:
- Bronze Rank: 100 collections
- Iron Rank: 300 collections
- Steel Rank: 500 collections
- Black Rank: 700 collections
- Mithril Rank: 900 collections
- Adamant Rank: 1,000 collections
- Rune Rank: 1,100 collections
- Dragon Rank: 1,200 collections
- Gilded Rank: Percentage based, 90% of total log slots rounded down to the nearest 25 (around 1,400 collections currently)
Additionally, along the bottom of your interface, you can now see the 12 most recent items added to your log - perfect for keeping track of your freshest loot at a glance.
To truly make the experience your own, the new interface is also resizable and movable. Plus, it stays open during other in-game actions, so you can track your progress seamlessly while skilling, fighting bosses, or engaging in other activities.
Cosmetic rewards
When you hit certain milestones in your Collection Log, head over to The Collector in the Varrock Museum to claim your Staff of Collection. Reach new ranks, and you’ll earn a staff that matches the tier you’ve unlocked. The best part? You can Right-Click your staff to create an equipable corresponding book. Show off your Collection Log achievements in style!

If you can’t see the image above, click here!
Historical Clogs for Ironmen
No, we’re not introducing charming wooden shoes to the game – but for Ironman players, this is just as good! You can now add historically gained items to your Collection Log.
We understand how frustrating it’s been that the Collection Log didn’t track items earned before its introduction in December 2018 - especially for those who’ve already completed the grind and don’t want to start over. But worry no more! If you’ve obtained these items as an Ironman, you can now retroactively fill in those slots by simply using the items on your Collection Log book.
So, how does it work?
- This feature applies to a specific list of whitelisted, tradeable items that were part of the log when it launched.
- Alternative or upgraded versions of certain items (e.g., Zaryte Crossbow instead of the Armadyl Crossbow used to craft it) can also be added.
- Simply use the eligible item on your Collection Log book, and it’ll be recorded as part of your achievements.
- Please note that Group Ironman accounts are not eligible for this feature since that game mode was introduced after the Collection Log.
Now you can finally display proof of your accomplishments - the Ironman way!
Collection Log HiScores
Not only will you be able to flaunt your shiny new staff and book, but you’ll also have the chance to climb the ranks on our brand-new Collection Log HiScores board. Get collecting and see how far you can get!

If you can’t see the image above, click here!

Chat-triggered Emotes
Ever wanted to show off your favourite emotes without navigating the emote menu? Now you can!
You can trigger emotes directly from the chat box. Just type "::" or "!" followed by the emote name. For example: "::cheer" or "!cheer" will make your character cheer. Yay!
Emote looping
Get ready to groove because emote looping is here! You can now keep certain emotes like Dance, Jig, Headbang, Fortis Salute, and Sit Down going indefinitely, letting you show off your moves for as long as you like.
To loop an emote:
- Right-click the emote in the emote menu
- Select the Loop Emote option
Your character will continue performing the emote on repeat until you move or perform another action. So, grab those dancing shoes and let the endless celebrations begin!

If you can’t see the image above, click here!
Sit emote
Need a break from all that adventuring? Take a seat - literally! A new sit emote has been added to your emote menu. This Sit emote will loop by default, making it perfect for chilling at the bank or around the campfire.

If you can’t see the image above, click here!
Now get out there and emote your heart out!

We’re happy to announce that players who purchased the Ahrim's Ornament Kit back when it incorrectly gave 3 kits instead of 4 will soon have their missing 4th kit returned!! All returns will be processed on February 4th, alongside other scheduled maintenance.
By aligning the returns with this maintenance, we can ensure that the process is completed smoothly and safely - without the risk of disrupting gameplay or accidentally booting anyone offline.
Thank you for your patience, and we appreciate your understanding as we work to return these items securely!

Calling all artists and creative minds! To celebrate the upcoming release of the Royal Titans boss encounter, the OSRS Discord mods are hosting an exciting banner design competition!
The winning submission will become the official Discord banner on the OSRS server, helping us commemorate the release of these two epic giants in style.
How to enter:
- Create an original Discord banner that embodies the spirit of the Royal Titans!
- Banner dimensions: 960 x 540.
- Aspect ratio: 16:9.
- Submit your design in the dedicated thread in the Server Events channel in our Discord server.
- If you don’t have permission to post images, feel free to DM one of the mods, and they’ll submit it for you.
- All entries must be submitted by February 2nd 2025.
- One entry per person.
Need inspiration? Check out the Royal Titans blog for lore, visuals, and more: Royal Titans - First Look and Rewards.

If you can’t see the image above, click here!
Let your creativity shine – show us some masterpieces worthy of the Titans!
Please note, this competition is being run by the Discord moderators, so while it’s hosted in the official server, it is not directly affiliated with Jagex.

- The Raging Echoes Rug can now be built in the League Hall.
- Players can now create Chromium Ingots after discovering the secret of Chromium Smithing in the Undercity of Lassar.
- Fixed typos on the Max Cape teleport.
- Fixed a visual issue with Skotizo's magic attack.
- It is now possible to click completed Combat Achievement tasks in the chat box to see their description.
- World hopping should no longer produce an abnormal amount of Forestry events.
- Increased the rate (50-150s → 40-120s) and radius (20 tiles → 30 tiles) of player eligibility for Forestry events.
- Please note that this isn't a 'final' Forestry change and we remain open to further adjusting timers, eligibility or unique rates in line with feedback following on from today's update.
- The new Deposit Lock buttons can now be right-clicked to toggle the locks off and on again more conveniently.

The PvP rota has moved to Period B:
- 560 - (UK) - PvP World
- 319 - (US) - Bounty Hunter World
- 579 - (US) - High-Risk PvP World
- 561 - (UK) - Free-to-Play PvP World
- 580 - (US) - LMS Competitive
World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been de-activated with this rota.
World 569 (AUS) for Bounty Hunter has been de-activated with this rota.
The PvP Arena is using '1 Def Pure' loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week.

You can also discuss this update on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel. For more info on the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.
Mods Abe, Abyss, Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, BigRig, Blossom, Boko, Bruno, Chilly, Criminal, Crystal, Curse, Daizong, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Enigma, Entropi, Errol, Gecko, Gengis, Gizmo, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Harold, Hend, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Jerv, Keyser, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Leebleh, Lenny, Light, Liron, Lykos, Mack, Manked, Markos, Maylea, Moogle, Morty, Necro, Nin, Nox, Nylu, Ori, Other, Philomel, Pumpkin, Rach, Redfield, Rice, Roq, Ry, Saiyan, Sarnie, Shogun, Shroom, Sigma, Skylark, Smithy, Sova, Squid, Starry, Suharun, Surma, Sween, Tide, Titus, TJ, Tsourorf, Tyran, Veda, Vegard, West, Wolfy & Yume
The Old School Team.