Treasure Hunter – Valentine’s 2014

Treasure Hunter – Valentine’s 2014

Valentine’s Day is upon us once again. Are you a lover of all things romantic, or does a day of soppy sentiment make you cringe? Whatever you think, head over to Treasure Hunter from the 14th and express your Valentine’s view!

Unlock a chest on Treasure Hunter from 00:00 GMT on the 14th of Februray and you can win love notes. You also stand a chance of picking them up in-game as drops during combat or skilling. Right-click them in your inventory at any time to trade them in at our all-new Valentine’s shop!

Here you’ll find a selection of pro and anti-Valentine’s rewards! Represent romance with the Loved Up emote, Staff of Adoration and Crown of Hearts. Too corny for your tastes? Voice your dissent with the Down to Earth emote, Spear of Despite and Crown of Misery!

You’ll also be able to purchase delicious chocolates in six different flavours. Each one gives you a temporary level boost in one of six skills: Divinations, Agility, Herblore, Woodcutting, Firemaking and Smithing.

Alternatively, save them in the chocolate box you receive with your first chocolate purchase. Collect two of each and you’ll get a choice of two brand new titles: The Scrumptious and The Forlorn – as well as small lamp’s worth of bonus XP to your five lowest skills. Chocolates are tradeable, so swap your duplicates for the ones you need!

These romantic and not-so-romantic gifts are available between Friday 14th February 00:00 GMT and Monday 24th February 23:59 GMT. Love notes and chocolates will remain in your inventory until Friday 14th March so be sure to use them by then!

Everyone gets at least one key per day. You can earn more through gameplay – visit the wiki to find out how, as well as full details on the ins and outs of Treasure Hunter.

You can purchase keys here, redeem Bonds in-game, or click ‘Buy Keys’ in the Treasure Hunter interface.

The RuneScape Team

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